TrueNAS SCALE 24.10.0 - Kubernetes apps were not migrated to docker

Hi there, just spent this morning upgrading to TrueNAS SCALE 24.10.0.

I understood that as part of the migration away from Kubernetes to Docker, the current applications would be converted for you into Docker applications.

Well, not a single one of my apps came across! I have lost those apps and I have nothing running??

Sop Plex, Sabnzbd, Sonarr, Radarr, cloudflare, overseer are all gone, amongst many others.

I will have to start all over again from scratch, but hugely dissapointing.

Firstly the app configs are preserved so you can roll back to dragonfish.

Secondly I suggest looking at the apps logs & checking if there is an obvious logged reason they did not migrate. The release notes & docs call out some key things to check before upgrade such as encrypted pools not being supported for apps migration & apps needing to be up to date.

Happy to see a bug ticket come in with a debug attached via private upload so we can take a look at what is causing the issue.

Additionally you can retry the migration from the command line:

midclt call -job k8s_to_docker.migrate apps-pool-name

Thanks so much for the swift reply, very much appreciated. I will investigate and see if there is obvious reasons why. I read the update notes before taking the plunge, and made sure there was no encrypted partitions/datasets etc and all apps were up to date.

I will try the manual command and let you know how that works out.

so Interestingly executed the migration command manually and received the following errors.

Status: Migration completed
Total Progress: [########################################] 100.00%
[{“name”: “radarr”, “error”: null, “successfully_migrated”: true}, {“name”: “rsyncd-homevids”, “error”: null, “successfully_migrated”: true}, {“name”: “tautulli”, “error”: null, “successfully_migrated”: true}, {“name”: “sabnzbd-elsa”, “error”: null, “successfully_migrated”: true}, {“name”: “sonarr”, “error”: null, “successfully_migrated”: true}, {“name”: “overseerr”, “error”: null, “successfully_migrated”: true}, {“name”: “plex-elsa-media”, “error”: null, “successfully_migrated”: true}, {“name”: “rsynctv”, “error”: null, “successfully_migrated”: true}, {“name”: “rysncmovies”, “error”: null, “successfully_migrated”: true}, {“name”: “cloudflaredelsa”, “error”: null, “successfully_migrated”: true}]
Total Progress: [########################################] 100.00%%

Tried manually again and they migrated :slight_smile:

Whoop!! Thanks so much for your help

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Glad it got you up and running!