Truenas scale boot disk warning

Hello all

I was told by the proxmox community to post my question here.

I am running the latest version of truenas scale as a vm on proxmox 8.

I allocated to the truenas vm 96gb ram and 64 gb disk space

When I start the dashboard I get a notice that my boot drive is at 96% capacity

I would like to avoid rebuilding everything

My question is
How can i access the boot drive from the truenas shell, see what is in this partition and how i can delete the probable garbage in this partition?

If this would not be possible and I must rebuild what would be a comfortable size of disk I should allocate to truenas.

Please consider I am running jellyfin and rsync in truenas apps

as I am by no means unix savvy, please be so king and provide me with a step by step process

Thank you so much fo9r any help provided

Have you tried just going to System > Boot Environments in the UI and managing boot environments from there?

Hello thank you for your prompt reply

My boot environment shows Now/Reboot 2024-02-04 14:07:00 58 GiB Keep No

Initial-Install 2024-01-19 07:48:00 8 MiB Keep Yes 2024-01-19 07:42:00 2 GiB

I see that my latest update is using 58GB do i need this file?

Can i delete it?

Thank you for your help

Typically you are safe to delete non-active boot environments, though you may want to keep ones from key moments so you can revert to them when needed. So you would need to keep that one as it is your current boot environment.

That said, I have no idea why your boot environment would be that large. Usually they’re in the 2-3 GiB range.

I’d suggest submitting an issue report with the “Report a Bug” link at the top of this page and attaching a debug to it (System > Advanced > Save Debug).

Thank you

If i understand you correctly i can delete my 23.10.1 with no issues. Thank you

I will raise a possible bug

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Perhaps you’ve been storing files on the boot drive somehow?

Hi thank you for your prompt reply
How do i access this drive to see the drive and if necessary delete the files.

I know Noothing about linux commands … Sorry