TrueNAS UI blocked on Chrome on Mac, works on Safari or mobile ios device

I have no cookies set (made sure deleted). Noted no https just http.

Safari on same Mac: works fine
Chrome on iPhone: works fine

Have seen posts with Safari not reaching it, but this is new to me. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I mostly use Chrome.

Did you type the address fully, including the http:// portion?

Something like this: + ENTER

Rather than simply: + ENTER

Hi and thanks.

Yes, tried with http://#.#.#.# and just #.#.#.# and I do not have http->https set so I am really stymied. On Safari next to Chrome is works just fine.-

Try emptying your cache (may need to enable developer mode) and quitting/reopening safari.

I would have expected a certificate issue with Chrome doing it’s own HTTPS redirect, but that error suggests DNS.

Still, it can’t hurt to check if the self-signed TrueNAS certificate has expired.

Cleared cache and history to no avail.

It should not be DNS as Safari would not work on the same machine.

I will see about Chrome version and certficate when back at home.

Chrome version is: Version 128.0.6613.138 (Official Build) (arm64)

I deleted Chrome DNS cache for my NAS IP, removed all extensions, and checked TrueNAS truNAS-CA and it’s good from March '23 to March '32 so it’s not Chrome refusing because of cert. This is really weird.

I had the same issue about 4 hours ago out of the blue. I just restarted my computer and it came back.

No VPN software being used on the laptop?

It’s a mac mini, but no VPN is running.

Mac user, probably doesn’t matter as I don’t run chrome, but I do run Brave, which is chromium and it works fine. Not going to install Chrome though to test, I do not like anything Google. Yes, you are going to say that Chromium is Google, which it is, however, Brave de-googles it a bunch too. I (barely) live with that.

I have not seen anyone post though that they are using Chrome on Mac, so, jury is still out.

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Hello!!! I have exactly the same issue, it appears after Sequoia update. Still checking.

Sarafi on same mac: perfect
Chrome on android phone: perfect

I can connect perfectly to the folders on my server, no issues there.

I´ll try to clean up all cache or reinstall chrome.

Mac Mini M2
Chrome: 129.0.6668.91 (Build oficial) (arm64)

UPDATE: I cant access to muy router either (or any reachable device from an IP address on my network) (server) (router) (any other device)

I CAN from safari, so I suspect its a security issue from Chrome.


System Configurations

  • Privacy and safety
  • Local Network
  • Turn on “chrome app”
  • Voilá, works everything again in Chrome

Sorry if my translation to english its not accurate.

Hope you everyone can solve this!


literally created an account just so I could say thank you for this.
went down all sorts of rabbit holes trying to figure out this issue before I realized it was only Brave experiencing it which eventually led me to this post.



Thats great!!! I’m glad I could help you