TrueNAS was unable to reach update servers

I need help. I am out of sorts. I had an eye surgery a week ago.
I went to update TrueNAS scale through my PC and received the error message: TrueNAS was unable to reach update servers.
So I downloaded the new manual update file on my win PC.
Logging into the NAS I have two options to apply the update, memory device or what looks like a dataset. No matter which I choose, it reports the manual update file is corrupt and instructs me to re-download. I don’t think this is the case, but am currently down;loading again.
Where do I start?
Thanks so much.

You should be downloading 13.3 RELEASE

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If WAN is working check if changing DNS config lets you reach update servers.

If you want to continue with manual file the checksum can be verified here

sha256 checksum

To valid the checksum of your .tar just google the command for whatever OS you prefer & compare; if they don’t match then you indeed have a corrupt file.

Not sure if this is related I had a similar problem and resolved it by going to Network>Interfaces and make sure DHCP is checked.