I’m new to truenas and pretty much wanting a spot to have a local cloud to storing photos, videos etc on one spot both locatable locally/ externally to my network. A buddy of mine told me about Nextcloud but it doesn’t seem to have an auto upload (maybe I’m wrong) but regardless when I got the setup completed with Nextcloud and Collabora I was unable to login on my phone, kept getting error messages saying unknown address etc.
So I found photo prism and that seems to have more flexibility. But once again app doesn’t login (clearly something I’m messing up) I did run into other weird issues where the app would just hold itself in deploying stage… I found that it may have had something to do with not having correct file paths, I had it working once and now it seems to not be working.
For background I’m using for the server
Dragonfish-24.04.2, Intel(R) Core™ i5-8600K CPU @ 3.60GHz and 16 gbs of Ram,
App Version: 240915
Chart Version: 2.0.10
Below are the logs from Photoprism
The last line to me looks like it has something to do with the address… So lost on trying to make this work. Any help would be greatly appreciated… As I did say I’m new to Truenas so may need to bear with me on things.