I’ve just migrated from latest stable CORE to SCALE and I’m struggling to get my ubuntu 24.04 VM running proberly.
I found the hard way that I needed to manually update /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml with the new network interface name (it’s using VirtIO).
And now that I have a proper network config and can ping my network, I realize that the VM is unable to ping the SCALE Host. Only the SCALE host IP can’t be pinged. The rest of the local net is accessible.
The SCALE IP is fully available from other devices, only not from its Virtualized host.
Any idea where to look for? I’ve never encountered such a network issue.
Well, not taking into accounts the interface bugs (I’ll figure how to get past them) I still don’t get why I need a bridge with an additional IP address where everything was fine and transparent on CORE.
I had one IP address with no bridge and it was accessible from within Bhyve Vms.
So was it Bhyve able to do this vs QEMU/KVM needing a network bridge ?
In any case, using your video IPs example, I need SCALE to keep being accessible on and VMs to access its storage and services on to keep existing configuration working.
In your example you don’t reassign an PI (DHCP or Static back to the original ens3) Is it intentional @Stux ?
Unfortunately I can’t access my CORE configuration to understand how this was done.
But it seems to me that here should at least be a mention of this difference between CORE and SCALE in the migration documentation