Unable to add SMB to another linux device

Hi everyone, I’m having trouble mounting my NAS SMB server into another linux device that I’m trying to set up as a jellyfin server, I tried scouring every forum and post, but I can’t get it to work so I’m posting here.

Linux version: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
Truenas version: TrueNAS-SCALE-ElectricEel - TrueNAS SCALE ElectricEel 24.10 [release]

here’s my SMB config path: /mnt/NAS 16TB 2 Vdevs Mirrored /Shared

I’m following this one youtube guide guide as this is the one that’s brought me the furthest though I have tried other methods with no success.

  1. I have created a file containing the password in /home/ika/.password, even gave the file read and write perms

  2. then I edit fstab file as such: //Server IP/Shared /media/ika/truenas cifs credentials=/home/ika/./ika/.password,iocharset=utf8 0 0

  3. Then run $ sudo mount -a
    I managed to get it to prompt me for a password, it outputs
    "Password for root@//server IP/Shared: "

  4. I enter the password and get
    “mount error(13): Permission denied
    Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)”

I have no idea what else to try, I’ve looked though forums, tried multiple things, to the point where I don’t even remember what I tried, and nothing works. I’ve been at it for 5 hours today (I wish I was exaggerating), if anyone can help I’d really appreciate it.


Doesn’t SCALE prevent you (or at least warn you) if you try to share the pool’s “root dataset” path?

Is this a typo or something you actually have in your fstab?

You’re trying to access the SMB share with the TrueNAS root user? Why not specify the username (of a non-root user) in the “credentials” file?

Yeah that was a typo my bad, I have it as 1. //Server IP/Shared /media/ika/truenas cifs credentials=/home/ika/.password,iocharset=utf8 0 0

Will edit post to fix it.

I’m not using root user and pass, I’m using a user I added under username “ika”

nvm I can’t delete or edit the post.

After 6 hours and countless commands, this one finally worked (for now at least) “mount -t cifs -o username=,password= /// /mnt/mount-point”

According to this, you’re trying to connect as the user root.