Unable to get apps to write into host path folder

New user here and I have an annoying problem that I can’t figure out but that I know is an easy fix. I know everyone will recommend VMs and containers to run my apps but I’m new and learning so I’m going to stick with what I know and understand first and then start playing around with the other stuff. Please just help me with my app permission issues for now so I can get everything up and running first.

Long story short, through some testing I have figured out the apps that I have configured to use the host path in my Media dataset aren’t working properly because they can’t write to it (Immich and Plex). Immich so I can access the photo folders once uploaded for my devices and Plex because I need access to its config folders to properly migrate over my windows Plex server. This was successful but now it can’t transcode because it can’t download and write the codes required into the media folder.

I know it’s permissions and I assume it should be a simple fix for the numerous veterans on this forum.

Thanks for your help in advance!

Ps, I’m brand new so please talk to me like I’m a child and make it as simple and step by step as possible. I’m at work now so I’ll provide photos as requested when I get home.