Unable to Increase Dataset Size - Error - [aclmode] Invalid choice: DISCARD

I’m relatively new to TrueNAS, so please bear with me. I’ve tried to increase the size of one of my Datasets on my Pool and I’m getting an error in return. Can anyone assist with troubleshooting?

I imported my Pool into TrueNAS from XigmaNAS so I’m wondering if there’s some underlying gremlins preventing me from modifying the Dataset.

[aclmode] Invalid choice: DISCARD

Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/middlewared/main.py", line 139, in call_method
    result = await self.middleware._call(message['method'], serviceobj, methodobj, params, app=self)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/middlewared/main.py", line 1240, in _call
    return await methodobj(*prepared_call.args)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/middlewared/service.py", line 507, in update
    rv = await self.middleware._call(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/middlewared/main.py", line 1240, in _call
    return await methodobj(*prepared_call.args)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/middlewared/schema.py", line 980, in nf
    args, kwargs = clean_and_validate_args(args, kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/middlewared/schema.py", line 938, in clean_and_validate_args
    value = attr.clean(args[args_index + i])
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/middlewared/schema.py", line 613, in clean
    data[key] = attr.clean(value)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/middlewared/schema.py", line 170, in clean
    value = super(Str, self).clean(value)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/middlewared/schema.py", line 53, in clean
    raise Error(self.name, f'Invalid choice: {value}')
middlewared.schema.Error: [aclmode] Invalid choice: DISCARD

What do you mean? Increase the quota?

Sorry, yes the Quota.

Anyone have any suggestions of where to start diagnosing this issue? I really want to increase the space available for this dataset for some backups I want to run.

This indicates that the dataset in question has an invalid parameter combination (NFSv4 acltype with a DISCARD aclmode). Fix that and you should be able to set quota.

Something to the effect of zfs set aclmode=passthrough datasetname

Awesome. Thank you.

I’m trying to learn as much as I can. How would I go about checking these parameters and is there someway to discern what combinations are acceptable? I assume I stuffed up somehow when I created the dataset in Xigma or when I imported it into TrueNAS.

Thanks. I’ll give this a go. I assume my current ‘aclmode’ must be different.

I came across this community thread (link below :point_down:). They mention using Restricted for Windows shares. Is this valid? I’m mainly using this dataset for Windows backups through an SMB share on 2 separate PCs.

If not, when would I use Restricted or Passthrough? I’m searching and reading what I can on these settings but I think I’m just getting more confused.

The output from zfs get all is below if this helps at all. Both aclmode and aclinherit are set to discard at the moment. Should I set both to passthrough and are there any other settings that are incorrect or undesirable? Apologies if this is a mess… :grimacing:

NAME                          PROPERTY                VALUE         SOURCE
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  type                    filesystem         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  creation                Thu Jun 27 21:23 2013         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  used                    4.00T         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  available               16.1M         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  referenced              4.00T         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  compressratio           1.00x         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  mounted                 yes         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  quota                   4T         local
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  reservation             500G         local
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  recordsize              128K         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  mountpoint              /mnt/Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  sharenfs                off         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  checksum                on         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  compression             off         local
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  atime                   off         local
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  devices                 on         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  exec                    on         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  setuid                  on         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  readonly                off         local
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  jailed                  off         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  snapdir                 hidden         local
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  aclmode                 discard         local
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  aclinherit              discard         local
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  createtxg               15042         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  canmount                on         local
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  xattr                   on         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  copies                  1         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  version                 5         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  utf8only                off         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  normalization           none         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  casesensitivity         sensitive         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  vscan                   off         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  nbmand                  off         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  sharesmb                off         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  refquota                none         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  refreservation          none         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  guid                    8908003857703355945         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  primarycache            all         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  secondarycache          all         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  usedbysnapshots         0B         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  usedbydataset           4.00T         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  usedbychildren          0B         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  usedbyrefreservation    0B         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  logbias                 latency         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  objsetid                58         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  dedup                   off         local
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  mlslabel                none         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  sync                    standard         local
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  dnodesize               legacy         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  refcompressratio        1.00x         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  written                 4.00T         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  logicalused             4.00T         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  logicalreferenced       4.00T         -
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  volmode                 default         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  filesystem_limit        none         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  snapshot_limit          none         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  filesystem_count        none         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  snapshot_count          none         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  snapdev                 hidden         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  acltype                 nfsv4         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  context                 none         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  fscontext               none         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  defcontext              none         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  rootcontext             none         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  relatime                off         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  redundant_metadata      all         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  overlay                 on         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  encryption              off         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  keylocation             none         default
Net_Store_Pool/Office_Backup  keyformat               none         default