Your question really doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the title of your topic. But the answer to your question is, first, to make sure you’re using the FreeBSD latest package repository (rather than quarterly, which is the default), and then wait for that version of Plex to hit the repo.
I’ve tidied up the text a bit. Thanks for pointing it out.
The key issue is getting the jail Plex is in up to FreeBSD 13.3.
But the answer to your question is, first, to make sure you’re using the FreeBSD latest package repository (rather than quarterly, which is the default), and then wait for that version of Plex to hit the repo.
I just did a pkg search plexmediaserver on my FreeBSD 14.1 server and it looks like 1.41 hasn’t hit the repository just yet (takes a bit sometimes, but that’s a good thing sometimes).
[server:~]pkg search plexmediaserver
plexmediaserver- Plex Media Server component
So it looks like your jail is running 13.0 which is dead (no more updates). You will need to upgrade the jail to 13.3 (which your system is on). I am on my phone so I cannot find the help docs for that part but once you update the jail to 13.3 you can “hurry up and wait” for the plex update 1.41 to hit the repos. …upgrading the jail should not be a problem so don’t worry about that part.
Including that in your OP really would have helped. But OK, you can upgrade it either through the GUI or from the shell. The command for the latter would be iocage upgrade -r 13.3-RELEASE pms2021, IIRC.
The last step (after what Dan said) is to get your plex updated. Like I said you have to wait but to save yourself from having to keep checking you can use cron to update for you (this is what I do in my plex jail).
The following will create a cron job (type man cron in the command line to read up on what that tool is) to check and update the packages every Monday (if there are any). BTW, if you change the first number from 0 to 23 (for example) cron would run at 11pm.
EDIT: I should add this is an optional step. You DO NOT need to do this. But if you do you should open a console into the plex jail and past that line above.
The default for freebsd-version is to display the userland version.
This is hard-coded in /bin/freebsd-version.
In other words, it is not the version of the OS on which the jail runs.
Upgrade the jail appropriately.
For example, the freebsd pkg builder host is 15-current and the 13.3 and 14.0 pkgs are built by creating a 13.3 and 14.0 environment in a jail.
Naturally, the KPI/KBI for JAIL is also not 15.0-current.
The kernel is backwards compatible so the kernel can pretend to be an older version.
@mvd8tvJI The original question I tried to answer was why the jail showed a 13.3 version at login (kernel) but was still at a lower version (userland) and needs an upgrade. All you wrote is technically correct but not very helpful.
If you want to check the version of the userland in a jail - which is the only thing that is relevant in context of TrueNAS, jails, and packages therein - use freebsd-version. The TrueNAS 13.3 kernel is 13.3-pN and cannot be changed by the user, anyway.
TrueNAS uses iocage, not jail.conf. And I know, because I use FreeBSD since 1993 and jails since they were invented.
But this does not help the OP who just wants to know why their jail shows “something something 13.3” while iocage and freebsd-version (correctly) claim it’s at 13.0. And what to do about the situation if they want to update installed packages.
Thank you to everyone for the assistance. Apologies for not being clear enough in my original post.
I have been able to upgrade the jail to 13.3. Now I’ll wait on Plex 1.41 to hit the repository.