Upgrade from 11.3

I started out using windows home servers. When MS killed the home server, I migrated to FreeNas, 8 I believe.
I am not a very technical person, but I managed to survive through upgrades and several disk failures. My server is only used as a file server. It is starting to misbehave and I can’t correct it.

The details are:

System Information

Bios 2501
CPU AMD FX 8320 8Core 3500MHz
Mem 2400MB

Platform: Generic
Version: FreeNAS-11.3-U5
HostName: freenas.local

I think that this will support the new core system. I just want something stable, so 12 seems to be the answer.
If I upgrade, will the new core recognize ny current file system, or not?
(I do have current backups).
Any help will be really appreciated.

The Dane

The minimum memory requirement has been 8 GB for many years now, so if this is correct (which is suspicious, because it’s kind of an odd amount of RAM), you have far less RAM than is required.

Sure. But I’d recommend you then upgrade to 13.

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Sorry, 24Gig

Ah, then no, RAM won’t be a problem.

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FreeNAS 12 is very much end-of-life. TrueNAS 13 is a reasonable target. I think in case of SMB users I’ve seen basically two issues regularly come up in 11.3 → 13 migrations:

  • Using “root” account for SMB access is no longer permitted (IIRC we removed this option in 11.3, but my memory is a little fuzzy).
  • In FreeNAS 12 we removed the “vfs objects” field from the SMB share UI. It was a bad design decision to expose them to users. Generally, we migrated cleanly to new defaults, but if we couldn’t we inserted them into an “auxiliary parameter” to preserve existing configuration. TL; DR, after upgrading, make sure your share config looks right. If you see an auxiliary parameter for share starting with “vfs objects”, try commenting out or deleting it and make sure shares continue to behave as expected (this makes sure you keep up-to-date on defaults and can migrate seamlessly to SCALE in the future if you decide to go down that path).

Never had a serious issue with 13[1], imo it’s pretty stable/production ready. 13.3 will come out in a bit, and will likely be the latest CORE release in a good while… or ever.

  1. we had an ARC eviction event in 13-U4, but setting a tunable immediately addressed the issue; it has been fixed with the next release. ↩︎


I’d go to 13. I’m on TrueNAS-13.0-U6.1 now. I sat on TrueNAS-12.0-U8.1 for ages. I eventually upgraded to TrueNAS-13.0-U5.3, and tjem finally to TrueNAS-13.0-U6.1 with no intermediate steps. I currently have a Syncthing plugin running and a couple of VMs that are installed (and appear to work), but I’m not using. From what I can see TrueNAS-13.0-U6.1 is rock stable. You may or may not need to go through 12 to upgrade form 11.3-U5 (maybe someone here can advise), Best of luck.

Plugins are scheduled to die in 2025 iirc[1]. Surprised it still works honestly.

  1. You can search the old forum for more info… in order to get familiar with the feeling. ↩︎

Well, I upgraded to 13 a couple of days ago, It feels like weeks ago, and I have had nothing but fun since then. Occasionally losing connection to the server.
I have 2 programs, Calibre and Pegasus which store their data on the server, and they will not run.Calibre report corrupted data and I am afraid to try pegasus as it has years of emails. When I try to run them, they report that they can not find the data, but file explorer can.
Fortunately, I am paranoid about backups, so all is not lost.

I am waffling between wiping my 5 disks, (4Gig each), reinstalling 13 without any shares. Create them and filling them from the backups and hope for better luck
or reinstalling 11.3 and hope that my data has not been molested.
I did not suspect that upgrades would be that much fun.

They are not, usually. 11 to 13 is a big jump though. And plugins are decaying, do not rely on those! They are going to be put out of service next year.



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Which with the recent developments about CORE paints a different picture than, perhaps a bit naively, some of us thought.

I had to bite the apple. Re-installed core. deleted and created new devs.
Am now copying from backups.
Halfway through the restoration, my new usb stick died. (I was warned).
Re-installed on an old SSD.
2 days later, All was back in place.
Only problem now is my mail program. It is installed on the server and is run from the server…
I can run it from my win 10 Pc but not from my win 11 Pc.
When I try it from 11, I get this message: “You do not have permission to access \myserver\blah\pegasus\programs\winpm-32.exe”.
win 10 uses the same path and it works for 10.
Quite apart from that, I have used it since 2014 and I have never lost anything. Failed memory, 2 disks lost at the same time. A few grey hairs but no data loss.
I like FreNas.
Now, If I could only fix 11.
Thanks for putting up with me.

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Recursively apply the related ACL, should fix the issue. Also, try to run it as administrator.