Upgrading all disks in my pool to a larger size

I currently have 6X2TB drives in a RAIDZ2 configuration. If I take each one offline and upgrade one at a time, will my pool size automatically increase in size? I was thinking I needed to move all my data over somewhere else before making the upgrade but thought I’d ask here first. Would be nice to save all my old configuration and use it on the new pool.

Yep. You can even replace all the disks at the same time, assuming you have six extra SATA ports and power for them.

I do have extra ports but I don’t think my PSU will handle the extra drives so I’ll probably replace one at a time instead of dropping the drive taking the drive offline.

I think I’ll just take the drive offline as I don’t have much space for replacing and moving the drive back in place.

So replacing one at a time shouldnt be a problem and the pool will expand automatically after the last disk is replaced?


Dan, thanks for the input. Is it possible to go back down to the smaller drives if the space in the array is not used? I have 16GB of ram and think my increase should be fine as I’m only using it for storage and no VMs. Just worried if I go any higher and I have performance issues, I won’t be able to go back down.

Not once the pool has been expanded.

Hmmm… That almost makes me want to back up my data and rebuild the pool incase I need to go back down. As I’m planning to replace each drive at a time, I think the initial pool will be corrupt once I start the move. Worst case I back up and rebuild on the smaller drives again. That makes sense. Thanks for the help Dan.
