Validate protocol negotiate failed

Hi, I have a Linux host:

root@automator-1:/# uname -a
Linux automator-1 5.15.0-102-generic #112-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 5 16:50:32 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
root@automator-1:/# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
Release:	22.04
Codename:	jammy

And it mounts shares on two different TrueNAS Scale hosts:

root@automator-1:/# cat /etc/fstab|grep cifs
// /mnt/archief cifs credentials=/etc/wachtrij.cred,uid=1001,gid=1001,vers=3.0 0 0
// /mnt/automator-2 cifs credentials=/etc/wachtrij.cred,uid=1001,gid=1001,vers=3.0 0 0
<snip> a bunch more like these..</snip>

Since this morning we have been having unreliable SMB connections. Reading/writing files often fail, like for example this one:

BlockingIOError: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable: '/mnt/automator-2/P-Overige/<customer-information>.jpg'

Since this has started it can’t do more than a hundred or so operations before it will encounter such an error.

I am pretty sure this is a hardware error, probably in the Linux host, since it’s both the oldest and it has the problem with both the TrueNAS hosts, and I haven’t configured any automatic upgrades, and no software changes were introduced in the past week or so.

There is a non-zero amount of errored packets in netstat -i, but it’s less than a tenth of a %, and SMB is on top of TCP, so this shouldn’t have had any effect.

When I look in the dmesg -T I see a constant stream of:

[Mon Apr 15 17:30:29 2024] CIFS: VFS: \\\archief validate protocol negotiate failed: -11
[Mon Apr 15 17:30:38 2024] CIFS: VFS: \\\IPC$ validate protocol negotiate failed: -11
[Mon Apr 15 17:30:39 2024] CIFS: VFS: \\\IPC$ validate protocol negotiate failed: -11
[Mon Apr 15 17:30:39 2024] CIFS: VFS: \\\IPC$ validate protocol negotiate failed: -11
[Mon Apr 15 17:30:39 2024] CIFS: VFS: \\\IPC$ validate protocol negotiate failed: -11
[Mon Apr 15 17:30:39 2024] CIFS: VFS: \\\archief validate protocol negotiate failed: -11
[Mon Apr 15 17:30:39 2024] CIFS: VFS: \\\IPC$ validate protocol negotiate failed: -11

I googled that error message, but no one on the internet has had it since a kernel bug was fixed in 2017. All my systems are either the latest version of TrueNAS Cobia, or an up to date Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

I have rebooted all involved systems, as well as all the networking hardware involved.

Anyone know what could be causing these weird SMB protocol failures? Even if it’s a hardware problem, I don’t get how it would persist in the exact same way across reboots. But I also don’t understand how it would suddenly happen despite there being no updates installed in the past week.

Are you seeing any errors in /var/log/samba4/log.smbd? Wireshark has an SMB protocol dissector and any error response from SMB server should be visible quite clearly if it doesn’t appear in logs. This might be a client bug.

Ok I have to debug a bit more, but I just found:


And I get the feeling that maybe I did upgrade the kernel recently and for some reason our users are only today encountering this problem.

Alright, I just confirmed that was indeed the problem. I temporarily worked around it by following this guide to run the previous kernel:

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