Vaultwarden SQL password for backup and migration

My plan is to backup the SQL database of the Truecharts version and then restore that to the Truenas version. I have the Truecharts SQL password but I am unable to find the Truenas instances SQL password. Does anybody know how to find the SQL password for the Truenas instance of vaultwarden?


wouldn’t it be easier to use the buildin export vault function in the vaultwarden gui and restore that in the new instance?

The export vault is just at the user level correct? I have about 45 people using it and thought it would be easier to export and re-import the DB. I did not want to require all of them to have to export, re-setup their account, then import the vault.


Yeah ok for 45 Users that’s not really feasable, but i don’t know if you’re able to get to the db password for the build in apps. I know that one of the maintainers is on the truenas discord, maybe you can ask there if anyone knows how to get it.

Thanks for the reply. I’ll post over on Discord.

just took a look in the admin panel again, there’s an option to backup the database, maybe that would be enough?

Where are you seeing the option to backup the database? I’m not seeing that in truenas console or in the vaultwarden admin page.

When i go to my vaultwarden doman and add /admin" and login providing my admin token i get to this screen and the last option is to backup the db

For the DB password, shell into the postgres pod on the new install, and type env, you’ll get the list

Thank you so much for that!

When I go to the admin page, I do not have a backup option. I’m using the current Truenas Scale (Dragonfish- Vaultwarden. Is there something special I need to do to enable it?

Don’t know, I’m deploying it via compose file not build in app