Verbose boot, scale

I have struck a problem with boot in UEFI mode, boot hangs and the last visible message is “Loading initial ramdisk”. This is covered in many different topics here (without a proper solution, if I might add).

Now, I figured out that this is the last message in grub before it starts to load truenas so I do not really know what happens (my thinking is that something with hardware happens, likely with video adapter).

My question is, is there a flag or option which I can add/modify in grub in order to get more verbose overview of what happens and where exactly truenas scale hangs?

Have you started a search on the internet?
The first three hits, all for different OS’s were the same answer. I have not tried to make any changes to GRUB.

Also, list the version of TrueNAS you are using. SCALE could mean a variety of versions and they are different as the newer versions are more locked down that the older versions.

If you find a good solution and how to implement it (the most important thing), maybe step by step instructions would help others in the future.

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I am using most current version of Scale (my config is not yet in my signature simply because I have not managed to install truenas to work properly and in full expected config).

I do plan to elaborate exactly what happened and how was resolved since all of the responses I have examined so far do not have proper resolution (or even pinpoint where to look).

My thinking is that truenas fails when it tries to start video adapter, but I am not sure why it fails (but I think there is some general problem not truly related to truenas itself because same thing happens with other OSes, not only for me but for other users as well - so it is surely hardware related).

p.s. and no, I have not figured out how to make truenas load in verbose mode, my search results do not point to anything remotely useful (so any link is welcome)

I did a search for “grub verbose” and found a few links about unix,linux, and i think it was BSD. But all solutions wete the same. Change an environment variable and then run an update. I’m mobile now, can’t help more from here.