VM Novice here

Hello all,

Complete IT noob here. I’ve been using truenas for several months now. First core, switched to scale a few months ago with little to no issues thus far. So far liking the OS.

I’ve been experimenting with virtual machines. I have watched lawrence system videos and networkchuck videos. A lot of this IT stuff is just not making sense to me. Any help here is appreciated, especially if translated for a more layperson.

Here is what I need help with. I have a service up and running in docker in a VM on TrueNAS scale. I want to access this docker service which is running on localhost 3000 to my other devices in the LAN. How exactly do I do this?

I have tried setting up a “bridge”, but I keep borking the webui to where I can’t log in anymore until it resets. I try putting in for the change default gateway dialogue box that pops up or trying to skip entirely to no avail. Not even chatgpt is coming in clutch like it usually does.

Hopefully this helps

And then you can take a look at this one too :wink:

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I had found your video earlier in the midst of my frustration and couldn’t get it to work. Just took another look after a short break and got it on the first go! (With some extra help from chatgpt to make sense of what I see in the terminal)!!