I just applied the latest TrueNAS Scale update (.2).
After the update the icons in the top-right corner of the screen are barely visible (they’re a very very dark grey - almost black) even though I have the “high contrast” theme selected in General Settings.
Does posting this consitute a bug report or do I need to go another route to submit something?
Did you try changing the theme? It may fix itself with a theme change and back? Currious if this is affecting all your themes or just one. Other user complained about iX-Blue but you are on High Contrast.
So the recommended course of action would be previous boot environment (24.10.1) and waiting for Fangtooth? Jira looked to be pull request and fix for Fangtooth. NAS-133853
thinking skydivingnerd need it due to vision reasons stated above.
Most likely yes, unfortunately, unless we have to put out another maintenance release of 24.10 before then. 25.04-RC.1 is the first release scheduled to have the fix, and then the stable release of Fangtooth in April.