Wg-easy : No Internet connection

I’ve managed to install wg-easy app and can access my LAN ressources. But when I’m on connected on the VPN I don’t have internet access anymore.

Is it possible to have both internet access and LAN access while being connected on my Wireguard server (wg-easy from offical apps)?

Can you share your wg-easy setup? Careful, hide sensitive data!


I thought adding would do the trick but no.

On clients dns server, try put your gateway ip, should work

I tried it same problem. I also tried to remove the public DNS servers so that it would only my local one but same result

Your config seems similar to mine (but setupped via yaml), i don’t see anything wrong to me… eth0 Is the right interface? Maybe you need to add a route?


Can you share your yaml configuration?

I’m so dumb. My network interface isn’t eth0 its enps37s0. Now it works, thanks


Glad It works :wink:

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Same here. Might be a good idea not to prefill that field by default.