Where was it? In the recycle bin? In a secret extra drive in an alternate dimension? Waiting for you to say the appropriate wizarding spell for it to reappear? Or did it simply give up the game of hide-and-seek because it got tired of waiting?
P.S. It might be very handy to know what the Wizarding World spell is to recover lost data? Can someone please post it here?
This is all too complicated for me. Better buy a [vendor here] system with a juicy support contract. Then all your GBs will be safe and protected by all levels of support techs.
Oh yeah? Well when I lose my data I’m going to scream at so many innocent support people and demand 15 nanosecond updates as well as a war room conference call until my GBs are back. I didn’t pay for Platinum Silver Omega Babysitter Xtreme 99.999% uptime support contract for nothing!!! I don’t want to hear excuses! So what if our replication only runs every 24 hours!? I need the last 5 hours of data NOW. What do you mean the data needs to RE-HYDRATE? Computers aren’t supported to get WET. What do you mean I have to call Iron Mountain to get my tape backup??? Do I look like I have a VCR!? Every second that passes that our GBs are missing is another concession my account team is going to serve to me on a gold platter!!
Ok maybe that one hit a bit too close to home. I felt a tear somewhere inside my chest.