Why is TrueNAS Scale with no apps communicating with storj

I noticed in Suricata that there were DNS lookups to link.storjshare.io (alert from suricata “ET INFO File Sharing Service Domain in DNS Lookup (link .storjshare .io)”. After digging through IPS logs, I can see that my TrueNAS Scale servers are performing the DNS lookup. My backup server (TrueNAS-SCALE-23.10.2) is one that is doing a lookup and it is a minimal install with one pool and simply receives replication of data sets from my primary server. There are no apps installed and no virtual machines. I have not even chosen a pool for kubernetes to use. Is TrueNAS storing anything in the storj IFS outside of my network, and if so, should I be concerned about what it is storing?

Storj is our CDN provider, so those are periodic checks to the update server to see about updates to Trains or new Updates to download.

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Thank you for the quick reply…

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Question: Is this CDN manditory or optional? I am setting up cloud credentials and it (StorJ) seems to be the only way to proceed. ??

I’m not sure what version you’re on, but you should be able to use the Provider dropdown to select another.

Very good. Right you are!


Thank you.

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