Wide forum template?

In a world of (ultra)ultra-wide monitors could we please get a more wide forum template? I am not visiting the forum that often anymore simply because of the toilet-paper style text is hard to read. Even code-tags have forced line-breaks so what used to be (on old forums) a nice “monospaced” text is now wrapped and a complete mess.

The bare text field has a mighty 690px max-wide … what is this, 1997 with 800x600 14" CRTs? Yea i understand that this is mostly because of small-screen readers (phones, tablets) but there must be a better solution which is not “fixed width”.

I am not asking for 3800px wide (as that would cause opposite issues with “lines too long” but something more “normal” … Something like 1200px or so.

//Edit: Quick messing with CSS

Just to compare old vs new:
Old XF had 1018px width with 15px font
New Discourse has 690px width with 1em normal font size, which equals 16px

Maybe see this:

and/or this

Also the “New post/topic” window is too narrow as well. Yea, there is the “preview” on the right side but the “hide preview” rolls it to the left keeping the text field narrow. How about to “hide/roll” it to the right side and EXPAND the text box instead?

This is what i mean:

Thanks !


No sure if this section is even visible, so I’ll try this … @kris :smiley:

Taking a look at that component…

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