Wireguard - not able to access storage on TrueNAS

Hello everyone. I’ve installed TrueNAS Dragonfish-24.04.2. I’ve installed ddns-updater and wg-eay. Both are running fine.

I have issues with Wireguard VPN. It seems to work because WG web interface shows incoming and outgoing traffic, and same thing on the client side.

On the client side, I installed WG-client on WIN 11 (AMD cpu) laptop and it’s the latest version. However, even if the WG server is connected with client computer, I’m unable to access to my NAS storage. The error is that it is not letting me in and It’s denied me access !

To try to solve this issue, I’ve created a bridge the main interface (enp6s0) to a new interface (br1). This did not help. I then set these two variables to 1 (net.ipv4.ip_forward & net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark) in Sysctl of the Advance settings.

On my router, the port 51820 is open and pointing to my NAS at

I do not know what else to do. Any help would be appreciated.


I think there’s a bug in version 24.04.2 :confused:. I’ve downgraded to version 23.10.2 and works perfectly. When I add version 24 installed, I installed TailScale and had the exact same issue.


I found this where my use case was to route everything thru the WG tunnel (vs split), not sure if this will help, but I could not even access the lan until I put in the Init rules - Reddit - Dive into anything

NB: under the WG Setup, I didn’t need to do step 7

EDIT: I am running TN Scale 24.10.1