Zvol properties in Truenas Scale missing from Openzfs


My main storage is running Truenas Scale Dragonfish-24.04.2 with zfs-2.2.4-1.

My backup server is running Ubuntu server 24.04.1 with zfs-2.2.2.

I have been backing up my ZFS pool using syncoid (with --preserve-properties), though it has started failing at backing up Zvols. This seems to be caused by some new Zvol properties that were added to truenas/zfs nut not yet released in openzfs/zfs.

The properties I see missing are: “prefetch”, “volthreading”, “org.truenas:managedby” and “org.freenas:description”.

“volthreading” for example was meged back to openzfz/zfz, but never made it to any release.

Is there any way to port these new features in truenas/zfs to a machine runing Ubuntu?


I’m not familiar with syncoid, but not being able to handle ZFS user properties like org.truenas:managedby is a pretty significant bug.

The other properties are available and documented in openzfs, but not in the version you’re using.

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Syncoid seems to be passing the Zvol properties with zfs send ... | zfs receive -o zvol.prop1 -o zvol.prop2...

I don’t think it is having issues with org.truenas:managedby, it seems to only complain about volthreading with this error: cannot receive: invalid property 'volthreading'

I don’t think this is a bug, just incompatible versions of zfs between the two systems. I was just wondering if it is possible to somehow run Truenas version of ZFS on Debian/Ubuntu.