13.3 BETA.1 Call for Testing

S C R E E N ← dinner is already cold

T M U X ← food is still heating up in the microwave

I used to use “tmux” a few years ago and find “screen” to be better suited for my needs.
I hope it makes it back as I don’t really understand why “tmux” is the preferred option.

I’ve been running nightlies for several weeks without issue. My uses are SMB (mostly for PC and Mac backups) and Plex.

This held me back, as I very much need a working replication.

I will try the beta, starting some time next week.

Replication works perfectly well as long as you use SSH and not SSH+NETCAT.

Yes, I understood now. When I saw your post a while ago, I did not get NETCAT part.

Any idea if the display issue will be fixed in the official release? Iv’e been updating to each nightly version for the last 2 weeks and haven’t seen any fixes yet?

Is this a noVNC, byhve, or TrueNAS problem?

I’m being persistent because I would hate to see the last release pushed without the ability to manage VMs using the noVNC page.

Is there an open issue number for this ?

The VNC display? I’m not sure.

I’m not even sure if I’m the only one with this issue or if more people are experiencing it. I need to know that first…

Use the builtin Bug Reprting and log a ticket in Jira.


This is my first report. Tried to be as detailed as I could.

Just to report back… I’m on TrueNAS-13.3-BETA2 now and have all but my nextcloud jail upgraded to 13.3-RELEASE-p3 without any issues.

Nextcloud is v 28.0.7 which is still running on PHP 8.2 anyway, and I had upgraded that Jail to 13.2-RELEASE-p11 a while ago, so I may still wait a few days as it as many users right now.

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I’m having the same issue, can’t use VMs anymore

Yes and unfortunately its not going to be fixed by IX.


I’m onto the cause - stay tuned.

We don’t actively investigate bhyve issues. If you are running VM’s on TrueNAS then KVM on SCALE is your best bet.

But that said, a fix in upstream already landed and will be in the next build of 13.3 we push out:

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Will it be in the nightlies?

Yea, it should be by this point. If somebody wants to test / confirm the fix with the update image they can:

Different problem probably. The VNC issue seems to be in an iX authored extension to bhyve that does not exist in FreeBSD at all.

In /usr/local/etc/libvirt/bhyve/21_windows10.xml we find:

    <bhyve:arg value='-s 29,fbuf,vncserver=,w=1024,h=768'/>

The keyword vncserver does not exist in FreeBSD bhyve. The fbuf keyword is supposed to do that.

From the manpage (on TrueNAS!):

                 fbuf            Raw framebuffer device attached to VNC

                 vncserver       Raw framebuffer device attached to a third
                                 party library that provides the VNC server.

Since the problem with the screen not updating at all cannot be reproduced on stock FreeBSD with just fbuf used the logical conclusion is that vncserver is the culprit.

Kind regards,