24.10.2 manually install..?

Hi Guys,
is the 24.10.2 to be installed manually…??
Im asking because my 24.10.1 does not show any updates.



Hi essinghigh,
Thanks for your answer.
Yes, thats also the normal behavior I was expecting, but I get this :slight_smile:

That means a networking problem, most likely. Firewall? Check your setup

Was something recently with Quad9 blocking link.storjshare.io (which is used for TrueNAS updates). Looks fine now but maybe some other provider is doing something similar.

Make sure you can resolve update.ixsystems.com.

Yes, you guys are right, I cant reach this page from home windows 11 machine, and also both my servers has the same issue as mentioned above.
From my windows 10 machine at work I can reach the update page, so must be in my home there is a problem.
Only thing I did was recently to update windows 11, but that should not effect both my scale servers.
@ SmallBarky,
If you say firewall, what are we talking about then, do the provided modem from provider has a firewall…???

If your “modem” is a combined modem and router in one box, yes then that device would be considered a firewall (or at least one of the possible firewalls in your local network). However it’s extremely unlikely that such a basic router would actually have any blocking for specific websites enabled, they just contact the nameserver that is configured. It’s the more sophisticated router software that provides more blocking options.

If you run software like Adguard or pihole in your network, those also might block resolution of certain domains or subdomains.

Hi tangofan,
The setup I have is a modem from the provider, which is in bridge mode, and as router I use the asus rapture Gt-Axe 16000. on the router side I did not make any changes and I never had this mentioned connection issue before, so its strange I think.
What could you guys suggest me to try as next…???

btw, I dont run either Adguard ot Pihole.

Your router and/or TrueNAS system might still cache this domain/hostname as not resolvable. First I would reboot your ASUS router and try again to update. If that doesn’t work, then reboot your TrueNAS system and once more try again to update. If that still doesn’t work, perhaps a manual update is called for?

I will try that later after my work, and let you know the results.

unfortunately, this did not solve my connection problem.
I will have a talk with my provider, just to make sure that it is not coming from them.

I would try updating the DNS server TrueNAS is using in Network → Global Configuration.
Try something like (Cloudflare) or (OpenDNS)

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I could try to check that suggestion.
I can see that in my settings I only have nameserver 1 set, and this is set to my routers IP…hmmm…is that not strange…??

Sounds like a normal network setup.

ahh okay, means nothing wrong with that…??
but I can try to set as suggested above and see if that helps

Still same, still no connection to the update servers

Did you reboot the modem, router and then TrueNAS, in that order?

You can also try browsing a different thread as the issue is similar and see the steps they tried to resolve. It helps figure out where the problem is.

Hi SmallBarky,
I will try to look at that, thanks.
btw, I found out that if I use a VPN on my windows 11 machine,
I’m able to access the page [update.ixsystems.com] right away.
So does this then mean that my ISP is the issue…???,
and that I would need a VPN on my scale servers…???
Sorry but I’m newbie to all these network things.

If you look at the Download link not working thread, you will see that something was blocked in the internet path to the storage. I am guessing that is your case too but it takes finding proof of where the problem is and getting the right set of eyes on resolving it. iX Systems and Storj.io were two of the parties involved. There were also cases of DNS blocking it due to a ‘malware’ related list. It was sort of if all of Google was blocked instead of just a single source of malware on Google network.

For now, I would use your windows 11 machine and the VPN to get the manual update file and the latest Scale ISO downloaded.

Today I had a technician from my ISP provider here.
He made some investigations, pings, etc…and found out that the issue was on the providers side. The issue was something he called looping, means every time my server try to reach the truenas update servers it got looped back without reaching anything. He took some pictures of the screen, forwarded this to the provider main hub, they changed something, and it was fixed right away.
Great Stuff…

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