24.10-RC1 - Delay to 10/2

We cannot get out. Drums. Drums in the deep.


Silence! RC1 is rebooting… and back online :slight_smile: Upgrade from BETA seems to have worked fine.

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In the depths of stone and shadowed halls,

Where echoes of the ancients call,

A rumble stirs the mountain’s keep,

Awakening from the fathomless deep.

TrueNAS, the forge-born light,

Emerges from the endless night.

Crafted by hands both wise and bold,

A treasure of data, a vault of gold.

In caverns vast, where secrets lie,

Beneath the watchful mountain’s eye,

The dwarves of code, with hammers keen,

Have wrought a marvel, bright and clean.

Its heart, a core of iron and fire,

Burns with the passion of dwarven desire.

To guard the lore, to keep it safe,

In mirrored pools, its data drapes.

Oh, TrueNAS, beacon of the deep,

In your embrace, our treasures sleep.

With steadfast strength, you stand alone,

A sentinel carved from living stone.

So let the bards of future sing,

Of this great gift the dwarves did bring.

For in the halls of Helm’s Deep,

TrueNAS shall its vigil keep.


OK, quick and easy - nope.

[2024/10/02 19:12:04] (DEBUG) app_migrations.migrate():225 - Migration details for 'system-update--2024-10-02_17:05:20' backup on 'nvme' pool
[2024/10/02 19:12:04] (DEBUG) app_migrations.migrate():231 - 'onlyoffice-document-server' app failed to migrate successfully: 'Failed to create app: [EINVAL] values.storage: Item#0 is not valid per list types: [EINVAL] storageEntry.host_path_config.read_only: Field was not expected\n\n'
[2024/10/02 19:12:04] (DEBUG) app_migrations.migrate():228 - 'flame' app migrated successfully
[2024/10/02 19:12:04] (DEBUG) app_migrations.migrate():231 - 'uptime-kuma' app failed to migrate successfully: 'Failed to create app: [EINVAL] values.storage: Item#0 is not valid per list types: [EINVAL] storageEntry.host_path_config.read_only: Field was not expected\n\n'
[2024/10/02 19:12:04] (DEBUG) app_migrations.migrate():228 - 'home-assistant' app migrated successfully
[2024/10/02 19:12:04] (DEBUG) app_migrations.migrate():228 - 'peanut' app migrated successfully

Back to Dragonfish for now, I need to make a documentation of my host paths for my custom apps it seems, so I can recreate them from scratch.

Make a ticket for those failing apps. Sounds like that read_only flag isn’t being translated properly.

my update from BETA to RC went smooth. Tho i never used TrueCharts (those guys were jerks) and prior to going to BETA i moved to jailmaker and portainer. Move to BETA and installed portainer app and moved my apps from jailmaker to local portainer. RC upgrade was painless. thanks TrueNAS team!


Updated. Looks good. Three apps working fine.

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Just installed RC1.

Credit where credit is due. Fantastic work guys, migration was flawless.
All my apps work great, the pools are online without issues…super!

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RC1 docker failed to start for me
tried to start manually but no go
coming from Beta

Same. Can’t get docker service to start.

Updating from BETA to RC1, I did not have to migrate any apps. However, I did have issues with dockge-managed docker apps on BETA and these issues have now disappeard with RC1. Essentially, I can have my 10 docker stacks running and hit reboot. Previously, I had to shut them down manually. Otherwise, there would be lots of issues in the apps section after the reboot. I like it!
I found the Custom Apps tool … It does not seem ready for prime time. 1) There is no way to input “.env”. 2) Trying out a docker app that would just be launched from a docker-compose.yml, I can launch it successfully, but later on I cannot edit it. Deleting works though … so I am back with dockge and plex as the only apps in the GUI. Everything else is managed via dockge.

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There may be a delay after bootup before docker fully starts. Are you seeing some errors in logs or similar to indicate it is busted?

In the Apps screen, I’m seeing “Error In Apps Service.”

No errors in the logs. When unsetting and setting the pool, “docker.update” is successful.


systemctl status docker.service

Outputs this:

docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; disabled; preset: disabled)
Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2024-10-02 10:34:03 MST; 2min 12s ago
TriggeredBy: × docker.socket
Docs: https://docs.docker.com
Process: 7495 ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Main PID: 7495 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
CPU: 725ms

Ok, so unset/setting the pool brought it back to healthy? Does that survive a reboot?

Oh, just got this in the error log.

Failed to start docker for Applications: Docker service could not be started

Please go make a ticket with debug attached. We’ll review the logs and see where its getting stuck.


Will the iso be published soon, for doing fresh installs?

Ignore me, I found it.


Had the same issue with apps not being able to start, got errors that it can not parse null. Resetting pool, rebooting, and removing apps storage to replace it with known good did not repair.

In the process of a fresh install and will try to recreate with debug logs to post in ticket

I had seen something like that running the BETA. Interestingly, docker was running… You could take a look System/Shell: “sudo docker ps”