3 Pools on Netapp DS4246 Causing Issues

This is expected and perfectly normal. It’s the JBODs SAS2 that will limit to SAS2 performance.

About to begin testing…

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First reboot after uploading config appears to work… Gonna reboot a few more times and verify. Only oddity I notice is the attached error logs, but I think this is just a log for SAS negotiation maybe?

Rebooted 3 times without issue. Gonna let it run for an hour or so and see if she does okay.

Johnny_Fartpants…I may very well owe you a coffee…

I still maintain that a working IOM12 might also fix this, but forcing SAS2 also seems to get us going here.

EDIT: 2 questions here before I say goodbye to this problem…This downgrade to SAS2 shouldn’t cause performance degredation right? Since the IOM6 modules are already running at that speed?

Also, not super important, but is there any way to hide those SAS log messages? I can always use the web shell if I have to, but in an emergency with my KVM its kind of obnoxious.

I honestly can’t see why it would.

Pass. I assume they’re constant and come back even after you clear them? Clearly this hardware doesn’t naturally play nice with SCALE so even though we may have got around the primary issue this could very well still be a byproduct.

Did you update the firmware on the HBA and if so to what version?

This is the one you want: LSI 9300-xx Firmware Update | TrueNAS Community

I did, I got the firmware from that link you sent, though I had to grab the sas3flash and efi shell files from a github repo. I didn’t follow this guide, I only stole the files since I had done this process before on freedos, but couldn’t find the freedos sas3flash executable:


That being said, I do think these error logs are benign. I found this article that talks about the issue. While they seem a bit uncommitted to whether this is a problem, the SCSI API explanation makes sense to me:


All that being said…I left the server on overnight, and my pools seem good. The replication tasks seem to have run fine, my veeam backups seem to have run wiithout trouble. Other than those error messages, I “think” we are in the clear.

EDIT: Just for fun I plugged both power supplies in on the datashelf and reseated all the drives. Error messages still showing, but pools still seem okay.


Ok that’s good and well done to you for your perseverance and sharing your journey on the forum. I’ve no doubt this will be very interesting and helpful to other users going forward. Keep us up-to-date with how things go over the coming months.

Will do. Please send me your paypal or something, I was serious about buying you a coffee. You have no idea how much sleep I have lost over this lol

:rofl: no need it’s a pleasure.

I did find an LSI error decoder on github just now:


And according to this, its a SATA reset error…Wonder if interposers might actually be needed…If I’ve got some in the office I’ll give them a shot.

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Finally doing the proper migration today instead of the testbench.

Noticed during the install the disks seemed to be listed in a consistent order with the new card, which is great.

Will post again in a week or so and see if there are any troubles.

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Scrubs came back clean, all replication tasks have been going as they should, and the SMB share I have setup for Veeam also seems fine.

Those kernel messages still wig me out, but nothing obviously wrong so far. Will continue to dig.

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