Update…I am now experiencing this on a system connected to a netapp with only two pools, but 24 disks. Same exact symptoms. Versions 22.02.2 and 24.10.1.
Looking like I’m gonna have to move my primary NAS to core for the time being as well.
Update…I am now experiencing this on a system connected to a netapp with only two pools, but 24 disks. Same exact symptoms. Versions 22.02.2 and 24.10.1.
Looking like I’m gonna have to move my primary NAS to core for the time being as well.
If that can be of some relief: same setup, same problems.
ds4246 randomly reboots after startup.
all sata. no interposers. tried both 1 and 2 iom6. no dice.
at the moment it has 2xPSU installed.
can be a power problem ?
Wow, how weird I was just working on this issue again when someone else joins this thread.
I’ve been trying to poke around and tweak some stuff, and I still can’t seem to get it up and going. Something I did notice though, is that during the install process between SCALE and CORE, CORE has the disks as the same label every install, but SCALE has them shifting around a bit.
This seems consistent with the issue at hand, since SCALE seems to constantly query the disks, reassigning them over and over eventually causing the crash. I am unsure if this is a Linux problem, or a driver issue. The issue is not present at all on CORE, and the only “solution” I have really been offered is to replace all my netapp stuff with supermicro…
I’ve only got the one power suppply plugged in on the dell, but both of the ones on my netapp are on. If you find anything useful here, I will personally buy you a coffee.
Out of interest what does the following command show in SCALE?
lspci | grep -i sas
and this one in CORE?
mprutil show adapter
and this one in CORE?
mpsutil show adapter
I’m thinking it could be caused by different drivers in CORE and SCALE mpr vs mpt.
I do know on SCALE it was using mpt3sas. I can’t copy the output from the first command, but I did check that last night before clean installing CORE Again.
As for the CORE Commands:
“mprutil show adapter”
-mps_open: No such file or directory
“mpsutil show adapter”
Output attached.
Apologies again for the image instead of text, Im using my kvm for shell rn.
What version of CORE is this?
This is CORE 13.3-U1.
Fair enough. Sounds like things have been solid on CORE for you?
Given a few others have mentioned similar issues my bet would be some incompatibility between the mpt driver on SCALE with your hardware vs the mps driver on CORE.
Is there anyway to blacklist the mpt driver on SCALE or force mps? I know being an appliance OS my options are kinda limited on the config side…
Also, is there a better card I could use that would be more compatible? I was under the assumption LSI was THE brand to shoot for.
Not that I’m aware of.
I used the exact same card as you but about 8 years ago back in the FreeNAS days and it was great. I’ve been using the 9300-8e for years now and just started to use the 9500-8e but they’re both SAS-3.
Well shoot…Looks like my only option is still paying 800 for a supermicro jbod lmao.
There’s got to be another way
Or stay with CORE. Do you need SCALE features right now? What the use case (backup target)?
This machine that is running CORE is fine since it is only a backup target, but I was using this as a test bench for my primary NAS to migrate. I got two of these dell servers for free, and I filled one with a shit ton of cheap RAM. I figured I would start by messing with one as a backup target, and if all went well I would migrate my other one (Currrently running SCALE) off of a VM to a dedicated device.
However, if I migrate, I am going to have to create a third pool for VMs (since I’ll be removing the old host for new things), presumably triggering this whole thing once again.
I’ve not tried it before but theoretically you could bag yourself a 9300-8e and some compatible cables (SFF-8644 to SFF-8088). It will only run SAS-2 but it may play nicer with SCALE.
This Friday I’ll see if I can order that and see how she does…If it works, I will personally buy you a coffee.
I do like coffee
Card should be in tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
Finally got to install the card on a test bench today. It does appear to be using the SAS2 driver by default, which bodes well.
I have a scrub running atm, but once that is done I will install it on the backup server and see how she runs. I should probably also verify the firmware on it…Anywho, expect updates tomorrow.
Well…Got the wrong cable lmao…Hopefully I will have more news by the end of the week.
I also double checked the driver today on my test bench, and its running the sas3 driver with nothing plugged in. Dunno if thats a problem just yet. Also I gotta find a reliable way to check the firmware, the dell BIOS is just letting me see the integrated RAID that I flashed to IT firmware.
EDIT: Tried booting into FreeDOS to attempt to flash the HBA (If I even need to), and it won’t even show the thing with the -listall command…Super weird. Gonna poke around a little more before bed tonight.
EDIT 2: Interesting…The card shows with sas3flash lol. Derp. Lemme get that exe and see if I can get it updated.
EDIT 3: Got the card flashed finally…Gonna get the second one done and then its just playing the waiting game for that damned cable.
EDIT 4: Both cards are at the latest firmware now. holding out for the cable, should be here Wednesday as long as the world doesn’t explode.