Accidentally added a mirror to a pool

Well guys I messed up bad, is there no way to save my pool?
Instead of adding a special mirror I added a mirror to my pool while trying t

No, you didn’t. You added a disk that’s striped into your array. How did you do that? The GUI shouldn’t have let you.

Unfortunately, your only option is to destroy the pool and recreate it.

Actually - he could add another disk and mirror the new one which would give the OP the same “parity” (1) on the new vdev. but its far from ideal.

Also he ought to export and then GUI import the pool so the disk is defined as UUID than sdq (which can change)

But as @dan says there is no way to remove that extra vdev without destroying the pool

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Sorry for the confusion, I added a mirror but my screenshot shows my attempts at fixing it halfway, I detached one drive which is why you see only sdq left.

zpool add MainPool -o ashift=12 mirror /dev/sdp /dev/sdq -f

was the command I used while trying to troubleshoot the syntax (yes I know)

Wow, you troubleshot a command syntax on a live production pool? A for bravery…

I’d just keep the mirror. It’s better than the alternative of rebuilding the pool.

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Actually, they can just rewind to the checkpoint and then im-, oh wait…

I need to make a feature request… again.

Still waiting on that video :wink:

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Wow! If you intended to add a special vdev, the special keyword is clearly missing. And that -f should really, really, have been -n while “troubleshooting syntax”, not to mention using UUIDs instead of drive letters.
Much better still: Use the GUI whenever possible and the CLI only as last resort.

Anyway the damage is done (and the lesson learned, hopefully).
So you have a choice of

  • adding back (from GUI!) the second drive to the mirror to have a lopsided-but-somewhat-redundant pool, and then possibly a third drive for a 3-way mirror; or
  • backup, destroy, rebuild and restore.

Quoting for emphasis. The GUI has “seat belts” to keep you from doing dangerous stuff like this.


Yup, lesson learnt!

Thanks all for chiming in!