Are you actually load balancing Minio? As in running on multiple machines and failing over between them, or you just need a way to expose the service on a single machine without conflicting with the TNS UI.
Simply exposing the service should be pretty easy to accomplish when docker support is added in EE. Load balancing less so (AFAICT, guessing that won’t be part of official apps). How to set things up now to make the migration easy is another question but best to clarify what you actually want first.
Not load balancing, though failing over to another replica truenas unit in an active>passive setup is a potential use of this. If I was load balancing I’d use something like bgp via metallb and stick with the TrueCharts way.
I just want to expose the s3 service at a stable dns+IP that doesn’t conflict with the TrueNAS UI and uses 80/443. I could do nginx proxy manager + minio and alter the UI to 8080/8443, but hoping to find there’s a way to add a basic L2 announcement of a static IP to remove the UI conflict altogether.
Ok, then should be able to just use the docker version of Minio the iX will migrate to in EE. They’ve said they will allow the configuration of additional IPs for docker services to remove the port binding limit you currently have with the k3s apps (as they don’t support MetalLB).
iX have said elsewhere the probably won’t support a reverse proxy in EE initially so no option for that now that will auto-migrate. But you could run your own through a docker compose which EE should make easy.
In this thread they discuss the removal of limitations in EE and different workarounds for the limitation ATM. Notably a user details how they are:
So that might be an option. Use the official Minio app along with a custom docker app for the reverse proxy now then migrating the proxy into the new EE UI.
Other option would be jailmaker where you can easily bind an additional IP for the reverse proxy, keeping the Minio app, but think you said you were trying to avoid that (and I think there’s some trickiness talking to k3s apps from a jail).
Thanks, that sounds like it will work well enough, I’ll get my setup mostly migrated and ready for the update then.
Hey @kris - will you post again when the first rudimental version of the new apps experience in the nightlies? Thanks
+1. Looking forward to seeing it.
Sorry, been swamped past couple of days here
Status update is:
Docker Backend is Merged. This means the
CLI and compose functionality is present, but requires some midclt command to enable it at boot. Once enabled you have full docker / compose functionality at your fingertips. -
Apps Catalog Backend is Merged. Framework for the new YAML / Composed Apps wizards is landed, work still ongoing to polish. This is more or less the same type wizards we have in UI today, where you get a guided install of Apps in our catalog.
Migration Engine - Partially Merged, getting close. Not fully automated yet, but manual migration is being tested now to confirm functionality is good.
UI Conversion - Just starting, not merged. UI pages still under construction, merge expected in next few weeks.
I’d say any eager users should plan on testing nightly images around mid Aug. I’ll update here when there is something more ready for experimentation, next few weeks will be a flurry of activity of things landing, so expect some churn.
Will be testing, just be sure to post here when it’s ready.
What is the midclt command to enable docker CLI at boot on EE nightly?
# midclt call docker.update '{ "pool":"tank" }'
# midclt call service.start docker
# midclt call docker.status
At that point you should be able to to run docker
commands and mess about. Note, this is still highly subject to churn. Most folks should wait for the UI pieces to land, but if you are developer type and want to experiment, feel free.
When can we expect the Docker UI components to be deployed on EE nightly?
Additionally, if you want to follow along seeing which Apps have already been converted and have valid migrations from DF → EE, you can monitor the GitHub repo:
Can I install applications from the CLI?
In the UI, applications are displayed but an error occurs:
[ENOMETHOD] Service 'kubernetes' not found
this is a little off topic
Will the TrueNAS team be releasing a discourse
docker that will work on the new system and make it one of your supported apps seeing as you are using it for you forum
First request we’ve had for Discourse as an App. Once we’re through the EE release process, that may be a good request or contribution to the catalog
@kris I am surprised I am the first to ask for this app. It would be such a draw for a new customer base like having native Nextcloud. Discourse is brilliant, I use it a lot over at
I did post here , but i appreciate you guys are going through a big change swapping the App system.
Just noticed - in case others are tracking this like me - that the new apps interface in the GUI is in the nightlies.
Tried adding Plex - but can’t - it cancels out with no error.
But - it’s a start, and seem way more responsive than it used to…
Is it similar to the current one or did it get a major overhaul?
Could you post a picture for those of us who can’t jump to the nightlies?