Controller error - unable to boot after upgrade to TrueNAS - LSI SAS 9211-8i


I’ve tried updating to TrueNAS (both 12.0 and the latest 13) from 11.3U5 and the system won’t boot anymore.

There are tons of “Controller reported scsi ioc terminated tgt” errors

over and over and it’s just stuck there.

I have an IBM M1015 flashed in IT mode (sas9211-8i, it should be one of the best cards or at least it was).

I’ve read somewhere that the firmware must be the P20 so I’ve checked it and it already is the P20

What am I missing here?

Any help is greatly appreciated


Can’t really help except to say that I used an M1015 and M1115 with the same firmware on TrueNAS 12, 13 and Scale with no issues.

I’d love to try Scale but I’ve read that the upgrade is one way only and the multiple boot environment saved my ass in multiple occasions, including this one.

I’ve even tought that it might be because my array is encrypted, but then again I didn’t even get to try to decrypt it (I do that manually) as it gets stuck looking for the drives in the boot process