I have a Windows VM in Proxmox (in qcow2) and want to move it to my TrueNas Scale system. Is there a process or a step-by-step process where I can export the VM in Proxmox and Import it to TrueNas Zvol? I am really new to TrueNas and want to migrate a few Windows VMs. Most results from my search was from 2022 and 2 years is quite an old information since there have been updates along the way. TIA
Edit: Just to Clarify, Proxmox is in its own baremetal system and at the same time TrueNas is in its own baremetal system, both are on the same network.
Copy the qcow2 file to your truenas…
create a sufficiently sized zvol, probbaly sparse…
then you can use qemu-img to write the qcow2 image to the zvol
If there are multiple qcow2 files from the VM (ie. the VM was configured with 2 drives) does that mean each qcow2 drive will need a single zvol each?
Also, is there a guide to creating the VM itself on the TrueNas Scale UI? I tried to create one and could not determine what the correct options are .