CPU Temperature


So I have my new TrueNAS build up and running. Quick question - how accurate is the CPU info on the dashboard. I have built my NAS from a SuperMicro Rack server and have moved it to an ATX case. To do this I had to buy and install a Senetic Active Cooler. I need to ensure the Cooler and Heatsink are working correctly, so how accurate is the CPU temperature readout on the TrueNAS dashboard?

Sub-20 temps do not seem very likely.
What does sensors show in the shell?

Do you have access to IPMI/BMC, if yes, what does that show?

Not sure how to access IPMI etc ? I’ll try and access the BIOS next time I boot it up.

If true, that would indeed be good. Here’s a screen shot of my ixsystems mini-x+ with 5 drives and I worry about high temps…

Why? @neofusion posted you can use sensors from the Shell / SSH.

That’s cool! I didn’t know that either. Thanks. I guess I shouldn’t worry, it’s within spec.

It’s almost like the dashboard is taking the average of every other core, and presenting it as a temperate. :grin:

Core 0 is 41C
Core 1 is nothing (not measured)
Averaged together is 20C

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It is strange, I only have a 8 core processor but it’s trying to list 0-14?

The number of cores is accurate, but the numbering of them is unexpected.
A plausible explanation is that it just comes down to how it was programmed.



Sorry missed this, so does this mean the shell using a keyboard and monitor directly attached to the NAS Sever or from the TrueNAS Dashboard?

A SSH session from another computer is most preferred, but failing that you may use the web shell, or an actual monitor to the console as a last resort.

So, yesterday I checked the CPU temp using the sensors command, both in the TrueNAS command line on a monitor connected to the NAS and from the TrueNAS Dashboard. I did not check the system BIOS.
It was very cold yesterday but these temps seem too low.

Was the system doing anything at the time of your reading?

I turned apps off for the photo, but will drop to below 15C on average just from the ambient air at idle

Obviously it massively depends on what the cooler is, and obviously different CPUs; but I wouldn’t worry about the temps you posted unless the air temp in the room is hotter, otherwise you have condensation risk, the server I posted is currently sitting in a very cold rack.

If you don’t mind sharing, what are your system specs?

v’e added my NAS specs as my signature? But if not here’s a link to my build thread I started.
NAS Build Thread

The Heatsink and Cooler is a genuine SuperMicro Active Cooler - I needed to buy this as the motherboard came from a 1U Rack and only had a passive cooler.
It’s a beast :slight_smile:

I was copy files to the NAS from a USB HDD connected to a Macbook whilst reading the temps.

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Somehow I doubt that one of your CPU cores is only 8 degrees above water’s freezing point. :wink:

…is your server located outside? Maybe remove the umbrella shade to let some sunshine warm it back up?

Have you been in my shed? :slight_smile:

Next time I switch on I will boot into the BIOS, unless of course the motherboard temp sensor is faulty?

I was only joking. You seriously have a NAS server in an unconditioned area? :flushed:

Maybe my joke detector is failing me. I knew this day would come!

I think radio ham operators in the uk call the room where they have all their equipment their “shed”, so it must not necessarily be of the gardening variety (however the term might come from that originally).

Thanks for that. My numbers are coming from a small enclosure (IX Mini X+) with the cpu actively cooled. This also has one large fan (maybe 92mm) in the back to pull air over the 5 drives and cpu. I’ve outgrown this system and fixing to upgrade.