I have migrated to Electric Eel 24.10.1 with alot of Custom Apps.
So far it works almost flawlessly but a single Custom App is giving me problems.
I am using transmission-openvpn and while it worked great on Dragonfish It now randomly dies. The problem with this is that I can no longer check / find any logs in the Apps ui so that I might figure out what the problem might be.
An acceptable workaround would be a script that just restarts it everytime it goes down.
That project hasn’t had an update in 7 months. Might want to look at alternatives. Linuxserver.io keeps their containers up to date, you could also use something like Gluetun for openvpn/wireguard along with it. I don’t use torrents a whole lot, not sure if there’s any reason to pick transmission over qbittorrent (or vice versa). I’m using qbittorrent and gluetun as separate apps but have qbittorrent to use gluetun for its networking.
Possible you’re running into OOM issues?
There’s autoheal to restart unhealthy/exited containers:
You bring a great point.
After looking at the options now present when I edit the custom app I saw the restart policy you seem to mention. This solves my problem in the short term but I will look at the setup you reccomend me.
It seems decouples the torrent client from the vpn, so I would install qBittorrent and Gluetun and point qBittorrent to it, right?
You’d install both as custom yaml apps, which gives you control over how the networking is done. You can either add them as a single compose stack or as separates. Docker allows you point networking for qbittorrent (or transmission as well) to go through the gluetun container. Tons of example compose to do that on these forums.