Then the recommendation would be a 9305-16(i/e) on P16.00.12.00.
For flashing, skip FreeDOS, just put the sas(2,3)flash**.efi** tool and firmware on a FAT32 stick and boot to UEFI shell. map to list file systems. fs0: to go to said filesystem. dir to list content. If that’s not your USB stick, keep on with fs1: etc.
Once you’ve found it, flash according to instructions.
i found that even sas2flsh -ver is throwing this error,
after i created the bootable freedos usb it gave me a error looking for dos4gw.exe i downloaded that and placed it in the same directory…
I seem to be running into the following…
trying to make a UEFI USB boot, not having luck…
know I did this previously… flash a card… usb stick that was used is gone
eventually figured out it does not like any stick over 2GB… old dos limit. trying to maybe make msdos was able to boot still ran into errors. so tried freedom, less errors… but as per above…
but FFS now it does not want to recognise my 128GB SSD/M.2 drive on which the TrueNas software is…
pretty sure I had it set as UEFI for storage, also tried legacy…
If I connect the disk pool drives then it quickly tells me those are Trueness data drives and not to be used…
Might have to flash TN Scale onto a USB and see if I can boot… ad then see what I’ve changed since my last TN backup…
… after a interesting day… new “B” card is in and flashed…
root@vaultx[~]# sas2flash -list
LSI Corporation SAS2 Flash Utility
Version (2014.09.18)
Copyright (c) 2008-2014 LSI Corporation. All rights reserved
Adapter Selected is a LSI SAS: SAS2008(B2)
Controller Number : 0
Controller : SAS2008(B2)
PCI Address : 00:01:00:00
SAS Address : 500605b-0-04d5-b530
NVDATA Version (Default) :
NVDATA Version (Persistent) :
Firmware Product ID : 0x2213 (IT)
Firmware Version :
NVDATA Product ID : SAS9211-8i
BIOS Version : N/A
UEFI BSD Version : N/A
FCODE Version : N/A
Board Name : SAS9211-8i
Board Assembly : N/A
Board Tracer Number : N/A
Finished Processing Commands Successfully.
Exiting SAS2Flash.
Lets see if system stabilises… really hope so… it’s required far to much attention the last 3 months.
hopefully have some quiet time… slowing me to plan the next phase… MB upgrade and a 16i card and then some more 12TB NAS drives… case to be determined, like the 45Drives HL15.
… new card is in…
how can i clear some previous logged errors on a drive, thinking the 8 errors i’m seeing currently is from previous scan’s… want to clear SMART memory and do a long scan on the drive.
wondering… dont shoot me…
had a drive that was causing allot of problems previously… took allot apart, flashed the HBA now… I’ve completed a couple of bad blocks runs on it now… passing with 0 errors…
Sitting with this drive /dev/sdc thats throwing the same 8 errors…
Wondering… if i run another bad blocks on the previous bad boy… and if it passes if I can consider swopping them out…
thats the thing… wondering if it was the drive that was the problem… considering all the long tests and bad block tests it has now passed with no errors…
Figured I’d do a Long Test on the drive again… the error counter decided to scroll up like a roulette machine… Def have no future in machine.
very strange though, one day 0 errors, next it’s like crazy.