ElectricEel-24.10.1 Issue

I recently upgraded to 24.10.1 from and I have run into a problem with scripts sending (or not sending) emails.

I have been jumping back and forth between 0.2 and .1 and can now say that can send both files with this sendmail code …

sendmail -t < TrueNASInfo2410-02.txt

However, 24.10.1 can not send the file.

TrueNASInfo2410-1.txt file content
To: myNASEmail@gmail.com
Subject: [SCALEPROD] TrueNAS Scale System Info
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===== MIME boundary; TrueNAS server SCALEPROD ====="
--===== MIME boundary; TrueNAS server SCALEPROD =====
Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline
<html><head></head><body><pre style="font-size:14px; white-space:pre">
Script run from Cron Job
Script name: TrueNASInfo.sh
TrueNAS Version: TrueNAS-SCALE-24.10.1

kernel.ostype = Linux
kernel.osrelease = 6.6.44-production+truenas
TrueNAS Version: TrueNAS-SCALE-24.10.1
Check for Updates: No Updates


--===== MIME boundary; TrueNAS server SCALEPROD =====--

Best check the Changelog before I ask what is going on.

Ahh. Well … that changes things. Read up on exim yields this as the key command

exim -v myNASEmail@gmail.com < TrueNASInfo2410-1.txt

… which gives me this error message …

  <= root@tnsbuilds01.tn.ixsystems.net U=root P=local S=1183
root@ScalePROD:/mnt/SnappitySnap/TrueNASInfo/Scripts/zemailData# delivering 1tOcw6-0002ph-1q
R: nonlocal for myNASEmail@gmail.com
  ** myNASEmail@gmail.com R=nonlocal: Mailing to remote domains not supported
  <= <> R=1tOcw6-0002ph-1q U=Debian-exim P=local S=2508
delivering 1tOcw6-0002pk-1y
R: system_aliases for root@tnsbuilds01.tn.ixsystems.net
R: nonlocal for myNASEmail@gmail.com
  ** myNASEmail@gmail.com <root@tnsbuilds01.tn.ixsystems.net> R=nonlocal: Mailing to remote domains not supported
  Frozen (delivery error message)

… which basically boils down to …

Mailing to remote domains not supported

Some googling lead me to change update-exim4.conf.conf under /etc/exim4

# dc_eximconfig_configtype='local'

… which didn’t help, even after restarting exim and a reboot.

What next?


This change broke the VERY useful multi_report script from @joeschmuck.

I understand the reason for those security-related changes, but there should be a working alternative in place.


This is the change that broke my script as well. I have not found a solution yet.

The only solution I found was to roll back to

That is my solution too. I assume you can test sending emails with exim in

You can check the status by using cat /var/log/mainlog which will show you the log file vice waiting on an email that doesn’t show up.

I still get R=nonlocal: Mailing to remote domains not supported as the error message.

I am unsure what the equivalent command is for exim, I thought it was exim -i -t < myfile.txt but it still gets blocked. I searched the internet a good portion of yesterday and tried a lot of different things (config file changes and different exim switches), still no luck.

If you uncover something, I of course am greatly interested as I’m sure many others who have scripts that send them emails. And I also attach files to my emails periodically so that for me is also important.

Good hunting!

P.S. This is a security update, so sendmail will not be coming back.

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As mentioned before, I have a few homemade rclone backup scripts that send mail reports on completion; they use the mail utility at /usr/bin/mail, with said path hardcoded in the script.

This works, even on 24.10.1, but is probably too inflexible for your script, as I have not found a way to do attachments.

I will be spinning up a seperate VM of TrueNAS 24.10.1 to test with, I’m tired of changing my real system back and forth.

I will investigate the /usr/bin/mail on that VM. I may need to make a big change to the script to make it work, but first I need to be able to send myself an email form 24.10.1. Any email other than the GUI test.


My script’s last line is

cat $summaryfile | /usr/bin/mail -s "${subject}" xxx@xxx.com

This is enough to send me the body of the report (piped to $summaryfile) and a variable subject, with the result of the rclone run.

It is a very simple script - the $summaryfile is just a plain text report collated from the output of rclone, but still it works in 24.10.1 and keeps me updated regarding my backups.

I still get the


So there must be a way?

The lucky dogs at iXsystems of course can make it happen, they are the ones who added the security restriction. Yesterday I had to take a break from this project :shushing_face: and instead started to learn more about 3-D printing (for the new printer I have). I have completed that for now, time to turn my focus back to this email issue. :grin:


They already got a bug report. I like their response …

How about we ask ‘you will need to show us how to use exim with truenas Scale


Right now,

  1. iX: sendmail is gone, use exim!
  2. exim: no external mail relaying!
  3. goto 1

Ah ha! That at least explains why I didn’t get my report this morning. And seeing as Joe’s script has already saved me once when a 6 month old drive failed last week…

I would have expected something as standard as sendmail in all/most distributions being removed would have been flagged well in advance with workarounds before release. It’s hardly a rarely-used function of *nix.

@joeschmuck maybe try the api call “mail.send”

@Stux Thanks, I will give that a very hard look in the morning and see what it provides. I do not recall this being listed as an API in the docs, in the morning I will look at the API docs to this version. And please understand that I don’t know python, but I am trying to learn it. Dictionaries are new to me but at least I recognized it is a dictionary. :slight_smile:

Apologies for the disruption this security fix has caused.

If you want to start a bug report and share the NAS ticket, I’ll make sure the engineers help you to develop and document a workaround.


TrueNAS Scale has v4.96 of exim installed.

Here is some documentation at https://www.exim.org/docs.html. There is also a PDF copy that I will download in the morning and scan for ‘no external mail relaying’.

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Thank you for the kind words. We can’t fault anyone for a security fix, it would have been nice to know in advance that this fix was coming so those who run scripts can figure out the workaround before it becomes a problem for the many whom it affects. And I have no idea how iXsystems would have communicated something like that, it would not be an easy task.

As for a NAS ticket, here is the ticket I submitted a few days ago: Jira
I can open a new ticket is needed.

In order to replicate the issue, (again from my perspective) just run Multi-Report version 3.07 script in TrueNAS to see what it should look like, then in 24.10.1 to see that the email get stopped by TrueNAS.

I do not fully understand how the fix was made but it appeared to me that ‘root’ had some interaction that could be exploited.

I think the easiest resolution would be if there is a direct command replacement for sendmail -t -oi. This is what I am specifically looking for however if that can be fixed, I am hopeful it will fix all sendmail usage. We will see.

It has been suggested that maybe exim was not incorporated properly into TrueNAS. I’m not a software engineer nor a programmer (weekend warrior at best) but that is way outside my current skill set. I do know when to ask for help, basically when I have exhausted everything I can think of, hence 3 days later now asking. I do have a few things still to try, one is thanks to @Stux.

Thanks for the assistance.


I struggled (due to personal ineptitude) to u/g to EE; having finally succeeded yesterday after three attempts spread over the last few weeks, I then came across this thread. Typical that I found it after the event! My fault, not a complaint.

I decided to downgrade back to DF yesterday, staying with it for the time being until hopefully some form of fix is discovered. I am happy to be a guinea pig if it would help anyone.

The fact that TN has implemented different boot environments means that trying again, or reverting again, is a five minute task so it isn’t any problem.

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I’ll chase down a resolution…