Forum Suggestions

A few positives of these forums is the real-time updates when people post.

Also the fact that I don’t need to scroll through pages of forum posts. It’s all in one dynamically updated page.


Yea, I’ve super appreciated the live indicator showing somebody is responding. So I can wait and make sure I let them post before we have a mid-post collision :slight_smile:

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That’s a weird response to the “type faster!” warning.


On the negative side, animated badges are back. :face_vomiting:

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Then, like instant messaging, everyone stops writing in order not to collide with the other… and none posts! :joy:
Seriously, I agree discourse has a few nice features.

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Due to the “tech support” nature of this forum, an important segment of the people signing up are signing up to start a thread, post pictures and respond to questions from others…

Thus it would probably make sense to bump up a lot of the new user discourse defaults


Whoever’s migrating the resources under the handle of @iX_Resources needs to put them in the Resources category.


Blame @will! He put me up to it!!!

/s of course. We’ll get that sorted.


Your tagging has improved. Thanks!

But to spare you some efforts, check the new forum first. @joeschmuck already has a thread here about his multi-report script.

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Let us know when those changes go live so we can verify that it works in the wild.

We have changes coming soon to this. Sorry about that.

To anyone making new tags… please pay attention to the established formatting. Also… someone with the power to do so, please clean the tags. ie virtualization and vms are not required… we have Apps and Virtualization as well as VM.

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I believe there is a “synonym” thingy for tags? if this wasn’t done yet I will look into doing that for this to see if that would cure this for the future.
(Holy vague references batman!)

I mean, if the tags haven’t yet been cleaned up, if there is a synonym thingy as I vaguely recall, and I might add the synonym if it is possible, and all that will hopefully cure the excess tags for the same purpose recurring.

Quoting with tags in the text doesn’t really work via copy paste, so I made this post then edited in order to copy the quoted part of your post, but now I know a tag is a “hash” tag here also.

Anyway. Yes there is a synonym thingy for tags, but what it does then is convert those to the preferred tag. What I had hoped was that this synonym would remain and then auto-substitute for anything tagged newly with the variation covered by a synonym, so if there is such a thing as an addon or a config option to discourse, I would recommend it for the purpose/effect indicated.

EDIT: I am confused by how discourse displays the synonyms, since “Virtualization” shows as VM, while VMs still shows as being that synonym “VMs”, and if these remain as they are then we have the desired effect afterall.

Either way, those excess tags, Virtualization and VMs, have been rolled into VM.

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As mentioned before, the forum makes stupid use of a wide screen monitor. Having to scroll the code-block is super dumb.


Pasting bug links is buggy weird…

I paste this bug link

into this post:

and it appears as

What the…?

Is that what others see?

How about bug links actually work…

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I get the login prompt and then get redirected to the ticket…

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Agreed, there are a few less than ideal things I’ve noticed about the way discourse renders those link cards. In that case it may also have something to do with Jira permissions. That one is marked Public Facing, which means viewable to any logged in user. This one has no security level and should be viewable without log in:

Edit: or maybe it will completely fail to create a card for no security level issues


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There is an option to dismiss any notice, which I recently enabled for the remaining one at the top and I revised its text slightly.

However, I also added a second much smaller notice which will fade-in after about 1100 milliseconds which is just a very short “forum is read only” in the lower right corner and also can be dismissed.

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The obnoxious bottom panel was removed from the Forum Archive over the last… period… and I have had no issues since :slight_smile:

This may have been because an [X] was added to it, and I clicked it :wink:

Noticed the “Forum is read-only” notice today. It seems fine to me, doesn’t seem to affect mobiles