Forum Suggestions

“How to” use tags? is the question.
There’s already “Resources” (as category) and “Resource” (as tag) for answers, so “How-To” may not be seen as a third label for answers. IMHO having both a category and a tag of the same name is already one too many.

Categories have a head post with explanations; there is no obvious detailed explanation about the intended use of tags. Misreadings, misinterpretations and misuse are bound to happen.

It might not be seen that way, but nothing about “Forum How-to” suggests it’s a proper label for (to give just one example) “my TrueNAS system can’t see its hard drives.”

I’ve said it before, but I think iX have chosen poorly in trying to make tags their second layer of categorization. Much of what they’re trying to use tags for should instead be subcategories.

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Puzzling indeed…
But, because I want to track some tags, I have made a selection of tags to be displayed in the left column. The consequence is that I just do not see the other tags, so I had missed this especially creative use of “Forum How-To”.

As to having a hierarchical categorisation, with forums and sub-forums like… XenForo, I could not agree more.

But I want to ask the Forum, How To do something…. That makes my post a Forum How-To, surely?

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Because people look around, see a truenas topic with how to tagged, do the same.

That, at least, is a problem I can work on.

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…if you enjoy Whack-A-Mole and/or are an admirer of Sisyphus.

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If part of the reason is that people are seeing others doing it wrong, reducing the number of the latter should help. It’s a nice thought, anyway…

I’ve taken an action to see if we can do this. I acknowledge that the Jira system for suggestions is pretty fundamentally broken, and would make far better sense to run directly out of this platform. I’ll be looking to see if we can leverage something like this plugin for this purpose:


I agree that this is a good idea, but it only addresses the “front end,” as it were, of the brokenness–the part about gauging the users’ interest in whatever it is that’s being suggested. The “back end,” the part where you actually do something about it, also needs to be addressed. I linked to two suggestions up-topic, one almost seven years old. Both were “accepted” three years ago. As far as we can see, nothing has happened with either of them–certainly they haven’t shown up in any release of TrueNAS.

And while I won’t complain in the least if you never implement the firewall suggestion (and won’t even mind that much if you never implement the web-based file manager; mc works pretty well for me, though it’s a pretty glaring deficiency compared to pretty much every other NAS out there), it really leaves me wondering what the point of the whole thing is.


Agreed. Right now the system is flawed in that Jira tickets tend to get overlooked as time goes on. In the past 9 months we’ve changed some things internally here which has led to proper 6 & 12 month plans, so tickets created for TrueNAS in those buckets are agreed and acted upon. You can see some of that in Jira now if you look at the Epics for 24.10, and eventually 25.05. We’ll need to setup the suggestion system so when something is finally agreed to move on, it immediately flows into the scheduled work for an upcoming release.

For those who don’t know, we standardized in past year on 6 month cadence for new feature releases. 24.04, 24.10, 25.05, 25.10, etc. This is already proving to be a much better development cycle for us to address issues and add functionality in a more timely manner.

Yea, the firewall rules we backed away from. We’ve looked a few times, but just never could find a sane way to implement it without horrendously complicating the product and creating a zillion new scenarios for foot-shooting. I will close that ticket.

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What about something like this?

Would users find value in it? Is it something worth making a feature request for? (It’s not really a “firewall”, but rather an overview page of TrueNAS’s outbound internet connections. A “one-stop-shop” to toggle certain internet-outgoing features.)


Close to something we are already thinking about. We are discussing the idea of having a network page that lists all your open ports / interfaces, and which services are listening on those ports & interfaces. So at a glance you get full visibility into your network exposure and can click any of the items to go make adjustments. I.E. if a service you notice is listening on all interfaces, clicking through to that services config takes you to the page where you can restrict it to specific interfaces.

The “outbound” idea is something to consider though, not quite sure how that would work apart from just a page listing all the outbound established connections and known services that make outbound requests on a known cadence.


That’s exactly the point. :slightly_smiling_face: Rather than rummaging around the many different pages, it’s a “one-stop-shop” overview.

For example, a user visits this page and realizes “Oh, I have usage collection enabled? I forgot about that!” Then they can disable it, or visit its configuration page, or shrug their shoulders and ignore it.


In the international section, I had to create a first post in French and use the corresponding tag for it to become visible in the “all tags” section. Maybe should you create such a welcome post in each language, with each tag, to kickstart them and let users find them easily ?

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Btw it would be a good idea to change the link on the truenas homepage. The current link for the community Forum still leads to the old one…


Good idea, we will get that switched today. It takes a few hours to get things to update but should be there by the end of the day EST timezone :slight_smile:

I like this idea, especially since the NAS device probably ought not be or contain a firewall itself, as it should not in practice (afaik) be directly on the 'net.

And this also sounds real good.

I would err on the side of too much information, however, whatever quantity is best provided in an organized fashion, subsets/subgroups used as needed to keep better focus as well (if its a massive amount).


I guess so :smiling_face_with_tear:

Anyway, was wondering if we could have the :scream: as a reaction.


Your wish is granted :scream: