Having trouble migrating apps after upgrading from 24.04 to 24.10

admin@TRUENAS[~]$ midclt call -job k8s_to_docker.migrate WDC
Status: Migration completed
Total Progress: [########################################] 100.00%
[{“name”: “qbittorrent”, “error”: “Failed to create app: [ENOENT] values.storage.additional_storage.0.storageEntry.host_path_config.path: This path does not exist.\n”, “successfully_migrated”: false}, {“name”: “twofactor-auth”, “error”: “Failed to create app: [EINVAL] values.twofactor_auth.authProxyHeaderEmail: Field was not expected\n[EINVAL] values.twofactor_auth.authProxyHeaderUser: Field was not expected\n”, “successfully_migrated”: false}]

I don’t know where to change these problematic configurations, or how to roll back to 24.04

Roll back option is in “System > Boot”.

Concerning the migration errors: It might be faster to recreate these two apps rather than trying to fix the migration. At least if you haven’t used iXVolumes it should be pretty straight forward.

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