How to set another network interface for apps?

I added additional NIC to my system. It’s connected to different physical network. I want my UI and shares to stay on the original network and move my VMs and apps to the other network. I succesfully moved my VM to this new network by assinig this new network interface to it. This is working great so far.

I want to do the same thing for my apps. From the Apps > Settings > Advanced settings I changed the “Node IP”, “Route v4 Interface” and “Route v4 Gateway” settings to match the new interface & network.
Näyttökuva 2024-08-24 kello 7.50.51

But seems that the apps are still using the original interface connected to a wrong network because I can’t access them with those settings. If I set the Node IP to the default, then I can access all the apps from the original network, meaning it’s not using the right interface specified in the Advanced Settings. How to force the apps service to use the new interface?

List of my interfaces:

Scale UI, shares and one VM are using the br1 interface. I want my apps and other VMs to use the enp4s0f interface.

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Also interested in this, I can’t find a way to do it on the latest release of ElectricEel-24.10.1.

I’ve been looking into this as well and haven’t found a way to do it on ElectricEel (24.10). I’ve been setting up numerous apps and, but they’re a hassle to access with all the specific ports so I want to setup Nginx Proxy Manager to pipe them through. But I need to be able to put it on another interface or something so it can use 80/443. Hoping there’s a way this can be done.

just change the ports for the truenas gui to let’s say 81 and 444, that way you can use 80 and 443 for npm

I 2nd this, currently do this myself, I changed the Truenas ports to free them up for Nginx, all works fine