I have one jail running icecast intalled from pkg. When my server reboots, the jails starts, but sometimes the icecast rc script does not start the icecast service, and sometimes it does.
I’ve tried 13.2 and 13.3 release jails running on TrueNAS CORE 13.0 and 13.3
So I’m trying to collect some reasons for this behavior. Why would a service sometimes start, and sometimes not start?
Could it be an iocage issue?
Hard to say. Does it require a working internet connection to start? Maybe something in the script (or a dependent service) checks for an internet connection?
Dont know if can be related to your case, but i face a strange similar problem. Created 3 jails, created a similar autostart script and a start one for all but only one of them could auto start properly. (Paperless, tika, gotenberg).
They finally auto-start properly only if i add the log retention in the function to call the start script, for example
Icecast (the first jail) has its own built in rc script, but the one for meshcentral was created by me. It’s been working fine up till now. I will mention that I did update meshcentral, but I’m having a hard time linking the two events together.