Jails for version 13.3 have `daemon` command broken, but there is no new update beside 13.0-U6.2. How can I create a functional jail now?

I disagree, I explained my reasoning for my pool structure today in another thread: What's the safest way to transition from CORE to SCALE without losing data stored on pools? - #5 by Fire-Dragon-DoL

Also my pool is borderline readonly, I don’t really care about write speed, I care the most about simplicity to manage and simplicity to backup, with “low stress” being at my top priority.
I was well aware that it would cost me 2x (literally for every hdd, I have to buy another one), but I’d rather have 1 HDD + 1 mirror + 1 backup (yes I spend 3x for every HDD, essentially) than lose the data. Some data is also backed up in the cloud.

My CORE instance has broken jails right now, so going to 13.3 should address that.

However what happens when FreeBSD 13.3 also reaches end of life? My jails might all break and that would be a permanent “downgrade” of what TrueNAS does for me, that’s why SCALE is on my radar.
I’m also way more experienced with Debian than FreeBSD.

Honestly, the fact that the guy with migration problems had RAIDZ1 makes me even more adamant about my choice of going with plain mirroring.