Missing Config File to join AD

Truenas is missing the SMB4.conf file is there a way to restore it?

What version of TrueNAS?

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How are you determining it’s missing?

when i go to AD the place to type username and password is missing, then i checked the file path on a freshly installed TRuenas system and the file is gone

screenshots may help to see what you are seeing.

You’re probably looking in the wrong place for the smb config (type “testparm -s”), but the UI form generally does not show password if you’ve chosen the option to authenticate using kerberos keytab. We generate a keytab when joining AD and use that rather than keeping around user account details. TL;DR, you’re barking up the wrong tree if you’re looking for the smb config.

This is the error when i try to join

so when i installed TRUENAS scale with same Version under the domain name it asks for AD user/password but on this Instance of Truenas it is missing.

this is a fresh install of Truenas and when i try to join AD this is what it shows

my bad its the secrets.tbd