NetBIOS name can't change

I setup my TureNAS with default setup and than later on trying to change my SMB NetBIOS name… but whatever name I change I am not able to access my shares anymore until I change it back to truenas… does anyone have the same experience?

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Did you restart the smb service after you changed the name? Changes to the smb service only activate after restarting the service.

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Oh… I tired restart the service and even restart the whole server and still didn’t work.
(I even re-install a few times)

One more strange thing is that I never able to connect via IP address but only able to access with NetBIOS share name.

Something just comes up to my mind that the first time I install I select sharing with “SMB” in dataset and I sort of recall I can access via IP (but still can’t access the shares). Then I re-install a few times and choose “Generic”… not sure if it’s related

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BTW… how you add your system spec in the reply :sweat_smile: ?

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you have to add a signature in your profile.
See Signatures Now Enabled for more information.

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So tired the following somehow it works:

–. Delete all shares and dataset
–. In the SMB service, change to another name other than “truenas”
–. Create dataset again, this one shares use “SMB” only
–. Create share again.

Now I can just use IP to connect and map drive. Also, if I use this setting, I can add my user to ACL without adding a “mask”

It seems to me using “Generic” share type has some strange behavior…

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This shouldn’t restrict your netbios name to my knowledge.

Generic sets POSIX permissions type while SMB sets nfsv4/SMB permissions, which I also find easier to manage.

hmm… I am not too sure … I tried a few other combinations of setup and didn’t work (cannot connect to the share from 2 different Windows 10/11 client … didn’t try to connect from iMac … may be iMac client is fine) once I changed the shares NetBIOS name to another name until re-create share specifically with “SMB”. Keen to know what went wrong before and may be some one can advise. :sweat_smile: