Periodic Snapshot Tasks - Lifetime - how to update and clean?

I’m using latest SCALE version and my setup is as follow:

  • On my “main” TrueNAS - Periodic Snapshot Tasks, hourly, with given Lifetime of TWO WEEKS.
  • Then added Replication to my second “backup” TrueNAS.

This setup working for years now. However, just noticed that the snapshots on my “main” TrueNAS are NOT deleting itself with the given lifetime, so I have hourly snapshots from years!
I discovered on the Replication task, that I may need to add “Snapshot retention policy” and I did make the changes (for 1 YEAR).

However, how can I now delete all OLD (past 2 WEEKS period) snapshots on my “main” TrueNAS? Is there some kind of purge, or I have to manually delete them? And how?