QNAP TS-877 Truenas Journal

figured out why my docker container web uis couldnt be accessed.

its a very nub mistake.

basically my pfsense router was misconfigured.

the DHCP was -

but my docker uses

which is bad because you dont want it to be within the dhcp range, unless u had reserved it prior (which i didn’t).

So the usual method was to have my docker ip fall into the same ip but outside the range

e.g. meaning anything 0-19 would not be taken by any other devices using dhcp because it’s outside the dhcp range.

so i did not realize this as i kept using ips without noticing i had exceeded the safe zone and stepped into the dhcp range.

how i found out is, i went to pfsense and notice another device was occupying the same lan ip as what i was using for truenas jailmaker docker.

so this was why sometimes it worked, and other times it didn’t.

mystery solved.

so i merely changed -

to -

so now i got a bit more extra lee way 1-29

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