RAM Size Guidance for Dragonfish

If you come back with “We’ve decided it’s best to recommend new installations to have a minimum of 512 GiB of RAM”, then I’m deleting my account.


Sounds like a perfect solution, along with limiting ARC to 50% so everyone has plenty of memory free! :wink:

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Give me a good excuse to tell Mrs. Potatohead - I need more ram to run the next version of truenas. Yes - I need to upgrade to the next version for security updates!


I’m sorry, but I just have to drop this in here. :grin:


I didn’t say it! The A.I. chatbot said it!

I had to chuckle…

Seriously, I’m assuming that for Linux it involves far more than simply setting “total RAM minus 1GB” to get it to work?

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Ha! No expectations that any hardware changes are required…


Are you trying to get ix to drop SCALE - and keep going with CORE?!


Yes. :smiling_imp:


Cross-posting for reference:

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Cross-posting for visibility.

We can confirm that the significant contributor to the issue that has been reported in this thread and others is related to a Linux kernel change in 6.6. While swap adjustments proposed can mitigate the issue to some degree, the multi-gen LRU code in question will be disabled by default in a subsequent Dragonfish patch release, and should resolve the problem. This can be done in advance following the directions below from @mav. Thanks to all of the community members who helped by reporting the issue which aided in reaching the root cause. Additional feedback is welcome from those who apply the change below.