Running a custom Kubernetes setup in a Sandbox

Some members of the TrueNAS community have expressed interest in running their own custom Kubernetes instance, as opposed to the iX-provided installation. Sometimes this is to integrate with their own management system, use a different runtime, or even experiment with a “cluster-in-a-box” style configuration; but whatever the reason, this small tutorial will provide a brief overview of the process of installing Kubernetes within a TrueNAS SCALE “Sandbox” using the popular Jailmaker script.


Because this tutorial requires the “Sandbox” functionality of the Jailmaker script, we recommend using TrueNAS SCALE 24.04 for the fastest and most efficient setup process. If you’re not already running 24.04, you can download the upgrade file or ISO, or use the System → Upgrade functionality in your current TrueNAS installation.

If you haven’t already done so, you’ll need to enable Sandboxes (systemd-nspawn) by following documentation on the TrueNAS SCALE Documentation Hub. Ensure that you run jlmkr install if you’re using jlmkr v1.5.0 or set up the optional aliases for jlmkr v2.0.0 to allow you to enter the commands without having to specify the full path to the jlmkr script every time, and that your post-init script to launch your jails is in place.

Next, create a new network bridge by following the documentation on the TrueNAS SCALE Documentation Hub. This is to prevent conflicts with the existing k3s installation.

Creating your Kubernetes Sandbox

Using the Jailmaker script, create a new sandbox for Kubernetes. We suggest you use the same Debian “Bookworm” base image as TrueNAS SCALE. There are several additional flags required in order to allow proper functionality during the creation.

The command line below will create and start a sandbox named “k3s” using the network bridge br0, and using the existing DNS servers in your SCALE installation.

jlmkr create --start --distro=debian --release=bookworm k3s --network-bridge=br0 --resolv-conf=bind-host "--system-call-filter='add_key keyctl bpf'" --bind=/dev/kmsg

The --system-call-filter line allows the use of keyrings and cgroups within the container, and the --bind line allows the container access to the circular message buffer device for output. (Note the use of single-quotes around the items in the --system-call-filter line, and the double-quotes around the whole parameter.)

Set a Static IP

Once the new sandbox is created, access its shell with jlmkr shell k3s. Configure a static IP address by editing the /etc/systemd/network/ file to set DHCP=no, providing an Address and an upstream Gateway for network connectivity.

Restart the container networking with systemctl restart systemd-networkd and check that your IP address has been updated with ifconfig - if it hasn’t, you can exit the shell and restart the sandbox with jlmkr restart k3s before continuing.

Update the Container and Install Other Packages

Run both apt update and apt upgrade commands to confirm that the container is up-to-date, then install the curl package with apt install curl - you can also install other desired packages eg: nano for editing.

Install your Desired Kubernetes Solution

For this example, we’ll install k3s, by using the command:

curl -sfL | sh -

We’ve chosen k3s for this example as it includes CoreDNS, Traefik, a Network Policy controller and the ServiceLB load balancer. Note that the default k3s “internal cluster” network space is and - if these addresses are already in use on your network, you’ll want to change them using some additional command-line options as described in the k3s documentation.

Check your Kubernetes installation

Use the kubectl cluster-info and kubectl get nodes commands to verify that your k3s installation is working correctly. From here, you can manage your workloads from within the shell via kubectl, or from the static IP configured above and the default TCP port of 6443.


Jailmaker 2.0.0 removed the install command, instead follow the instructions to setup the jlmkr alias manually, and then this guide will work.

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Interesting. I just tested this out very recently, and it seemed to still do what was expected with jlmkr install - but I’ll retest and update.

I’m not familiar with the concept of sandboxes / jails.

Can I still use bindmounts to map hostpaths and devices (i915 for hw acceleration, zigbee USB) etc?

It looks possible: jailmaker/templates/podman/config at main · Jip-Hop/jailmaker · GitHub

Would be good if we could get such a config example to get k3s up in a jail to help users migrate from Scale to Electric Eel.

I go through setting up a docker machine sandbox, with bind mounts and networking in some detail in this video:

Just a note that I had to double escape the --system-call-filter='add_key keyctl bpf' part of the command by wrapping in double quotes (i.e. "--system-call-filter='add_key keyctl bpf'"). Without this, the command looked like it succeeded but /dev/kmsg turned out not to be mounted because the system-call-filter in the file did not have quotes around it (because the shell had swallowed the quotes).

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As there have been quite some questions about this aimed towards us and we’ve finished our initial design drafts for the solution we want to move towards:

No, this will not be part of our alternative solution.
We do not feel the reliability and maintainability is good enough to move users over to this.


Thanks, this helped me move past this issue.

Still can’t get the kubelet to start:

E0610 11:56:18.804483 3064 kubelet.go:1547] "Failed to start ContainerManager" err="open /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory: read-only file system"

Fixed by adding pre_start_hook:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory