Hi, I stumbled upon a few threads but none of them seem to adress exactly my problem.
My Problem: I have slow transfer speeds (read: 50MB/s, write: 20MB/s) with all 3 of my Windows 11 computers ↔ TrueNAS (latest Version)
I have a two Win10 computers which have “great” speeds (read/write: >100MB/s between those and TrueNAS).
Both windows 11 machines have no problem getting good speeds to each other or to the Win10 machines and also WIn10 to Win10 works just fine.
Win 11 - good - Win 10
\ /
bad good
\ /
/ \
bad good
/ \
Win 11 - good - Win 10
Based on my testing I would assume that there is no problem regarding the hardware (cable, switch, network cards, ports) since every machine is capable of reaching the network limit if communicating with the right partner.
I did not find a guideline which details I should provide and I was hoping that it is maybe a known issue or commonly known Win 11 (or TrueNAS Scale) misconfiguration which could lead to that behaviour (even though I did not find anything by myself).
Also I do not know which details could be interesting, since the only difference I see is the different OS (Win10 vs. Win11).
However, if you could let me know which specific details are needed, I would be happy to provide them.
I don’t see any difference between Windows 10 and 11 perf-wise, so no I don’t think it’s an SMB issue (or at least it’s very much an uphill climb to get there).
Well, pardon me, I just found out what the problem was. I just realized that there is also one more difference in my setup…
Since many, many years I am using Directory Opus instead of Windows Explorer and yeah, this seems to be the bottleneck. If I copy the files via Windows Explorer I do get 112MB/s.
Thanks for the help!
That seems to be a well known problem with Directory Opus which dates back to 2018 and has been fixed in the latest version (however, updating to the latest version requires a paid upgrade, and since I have been satisfied with everything so far, I saw no reason to do so).