I’m trying to install a qbittorrent container with VPN preinstalled but I’m having a problem installing it into my Truenas. I have 2 specific commands and I have no idea on how to use them in Truenas :
hey, I just posted a guide on this, hope it helps with getting it qbit with the VPN working for you.
I ended up having to use Dockge to get it all working, as can’t have the VPN container within TrueNas Apps anymore on Electric Eel (the guide will work for Dragonfish) as TrueCharts doesn’t support TS Dragonfish anymore either.
When I posted that. I was on DragonFish with the sh*tty kubernetes. Since I already had a yaml file for it, I just made a new app using yaml on ElectrielEel and it works fine now.